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Flip Patterns ©  Copyright Kapow! 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Flip Patterns ©  Copyright Kapow! 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flip Patterns ©  Copyright Kapow! 2017

2 1. Draw an object on A4 paper
Draw a picture (anything you like) to fill most of an A4 piece of paper. ©  Copyright Kapow! 2017

3 2. Choose an area of your drawing to trace into a 10cm box.
On a piece of tracing paper, draw a 10cm box. Place the tracing paper over an interesting section of the drawing. Try to make sure there are diagonal lines or curved areas for the best effects. ©  Copyright Kapow! 2017

4 3. Trace the design on BOTH sides of the tracing paper.
Using a soft pencil such as 2B or darker, and trace over the design on both sides of the tracing paper. Trace the outside box also. ©  Copyright Kapow! 2017

5 4. Trace the image onto paper.
A little piece of masking tape helps keep it in place Trace the image onto a new piece of A4 paper now. You could fold the A4 paper into quarters and trace the design into the centre where the lines meet. Use a piece of masking tape to hold it in place and rub over the pencil lines to create an image on the underside. ©  Copyright Kapow! 2017

6 5. Flip the pattern so it’s symmetrical.
You need to flip the pattern over now. This creates a symmetrical pattern. You should have traced pencil onto both sides of the tracing paper. If not, do it now. Trace over the outlines to create a mirror image of your first design. ©  Copyright Kapow! 2017

7 6. Flip it again. Put the tracing paper back to where it was originally in the first square. Flip it over again, this time into the lower box. This makes a mirror image in the opposite direction. It should line up with the first drawing. Trace the drawing again to leave the impression on the paper. ©  Copyright Kapow! 2017

8 7. Flip it one last time! Can you work out how you need to flip the tracing paper to complete the pattern? It should be easy now! Trace it to leave a completed pattern ©  Copyright Kapow! 2017

9 8. Finish the pattern Now go ahead and colour the pattern you have made. You could go over the outlines first with a black pen. ©  Copyright Kapow! 2017

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