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Section 2 and 3.

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1 Section 2 and 3

2 Isolated Japan A lot like China- no foreign trade with other countries. Western countries in the early 1800s started to persuade Japan to trade British, Dutch, Spanish Japan refused


4 Isolated Japan Cont. U.S commodore, Matthew Perry, took four U.S ships into Japanese Tokyo Harbor. Their steam powered ships amazed the Japanese and had no choice but to receive. President Fillmore sent letters to Japan for free trade between Japan and U.S



7 Treaty of Kanagawa Filmore’s letters forced Japan to create this treaty Japan opened two ports for U.S merchant ships to freely trade Japan then gave way to many other countries in the coming years.

8 Meji era Japanese citizens were upset, like Chinese, when their government gave way for foreign traders. In 1867, Tokugowa stepped down as leader, ending military dictatorships in Japan. Mutsuhito took control for the next 45 years Meji means “enlightened rule” in Japanese


10 Meji Era cont. The Meji emperor realized that to be successful after seeing advanced technology of the Americans, that Japan had to use other countries’ models for success. Took German strong centralized government, adjusted and tried to find a skillful navy like the British, adopted American school of Public Education, etc.

11 Meji Era Cont. First Railway was built in 1872
By early 20th century, Japanese trade and economy was one of the best in the world.

12 Imperial Japan Modernization paid off, by 1890 Japan had many well trained ships and 500,000 man army. Japan was determined to show the world that they were a powerful nation.

13 Hirohito

14 Japan attacks China Japan first sought to attack their neighbor, Korea. In 1876, Japan forced itself into three Korean ports. China did not like this All 3 countries signed a pledge that they would not send military into Korea. In 1894, China broke and sent troops in, caused Sino-Japanese War that Japan won. In 1895, Peace treaty was signed.

15 Russo-Japanese War Russia and Japan emerged as two powerful countries after the Sino-Japanese War. The two ended up clashing in Manchuria in 1903. Japan offered to recognize Russian rights in Manchuria if Russia promised to stay out of Korea, Russians refused.

16 War Cont. In Feb , Japanese troops drove Russians out of Korea and captured Russia’s Pacific fleet In 1905, The two began peace negotiations. The two agreed that Japan got the captured territories. Russia was forced to stay out of Manchuria and Korea. Teddy Roosevelt signed this agreement and the treaty was signed in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.


18 Annexation of Korea In 1907, Korean government gave up control of Korea. In 1910, Japanese took control and proclaimed their annexing of Korea. Japan was very harsh, taking away much culture and language of Koreans and forcing Japanese customs onto them

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