Taking it home: An Action plan

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1 Taking it home: An Action plan
DAY 4 Session 2 Taking it home: An Action plan

2 Outcomes for participants
At the end of this session participants should be able to: Develop an action plan for gaining support for their association’s proposal Review these with participants to ensure they understand the purpose of this session and what they should aim to achieve from it.

3 Activity – association plan
Your development proposal is now complete. Next step is to take it home and gain support for it – an action plan Using the template, work in association pairs to complete it: goal is to gain support for the proposal identify 3 or 4 objectives to help achieve the goal for each person identify strategies set timelines Explain the activity, which is the focus of this session You have now considered the key dimensions of a development proposal and have an understanding of some key aspects of developing, implementing and sustaining a project plan. Introduce the template for completing the action plan and work through the example in the handout. You should have completed the development proposal template for the priority issue for your association. The next important step is to take this proposal back to your association and seek support for it. Facilitator and trainers to circulate and provide assistance as required.

4 Activity – presentation preparation
6 groups – each with common interests. Association pairs stay together Pairs to share a summary of the issue and challenges with the group Each group to then identify one issue they wish to share with the larger group Prepare a summary of the issue and any questions you would like to discuss with the larger group Identify a reporter for Session 3 Participants to be grouped in 6 groups according to shared issues. Association pairs to stay together If there are regional and country development proposals it would be good to have examples of each across the groups Trainers and facilitators to circulate to assist groups in their work.

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