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Topology Mapping Bo Sheng Sept. 15.

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Presentation on theme: "Topology Mapping Bo Sheng Sept. 15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topology Mapping Bo Sheng Sept. 15

2 Outline Overview Solutions LTM ACE Problems and discussion Conclusion

3 Introduction Topology mapping
Mismatch between overlay and physical infrastructure Topology optimization

4 Introduction Traffic problem Facts Reasons
95% of any pairs of Gnutella nodes are within 7 hops 50,000 nodes generate 1G/second, 330T/month Reasons Blind flooding Cycles, merge of multiple paths, neighbors exchange Topology problem Multiple times over a physical link

5 Introduction Perfect match S S Network infrastructure Overlay network

6 Introduction Mismatch N3 N1 4 5 3 2 S S 2 5 4 N2
Network infrastructure Overlay network

7 Topology Mismatch Problems Randomly choosing neighbors
Logically close, but physically far away S P N1 N2

8 Topology Mismatch Problems Unnecessary traffic Delayed response
Inefficient utilization of bandwidth Only 2%~5% Gnutella connections link nodes within a single AS (autonomous system) More than 40% Gnutella nodes are located within top 10 AS Delayed response Do we need long-distance neighbors?

9 Topology Mismatch Solutions to traffic problem Selective flooding
Topology optimization Avoid cycles Mapping For each message, how many times it is delivered over a single physical link?

10 Performance Metrics Traffic cost Search scope Response time Overhead

11 Approaches Location-aware Topology Matching (LTM), INFOCOM 2004
Adaptive Connection Establishment (ACE), ICDCS 2004

12 LTM Three main operations TTL-2-detector flooding Message format
Short Source IP& timestamp Long Source IP& timestamp, TTL1 IP& timestamp d(i,S,v) Link cost IP(S),T(S) S N1 N2 IP(S),T(S) IP(N1),T(N1) d(i,S,1) d(i,S,0)

13 LTM Three main operations Low productive connection cutting
Case1: P receives d(i,S,1) and d(i,S,0) S N P will-cut list

14 LTM Three main operations Low productive connection cutting
Case2: P receives multiple d(i,S,0) S N1 N2 P

15 LTM Three main operations Low productive connection cutting
Case3: P receives one d(i,S,1) and multiple d(i,S,0) S N1 N2 P cut list

16 LTM Three main operations Source peer probing S N1 P

17 LTM Step2.case2 S S Step3 N1 N1 N2 P P

18 LTM Step2.case3 Step2.case2 S S N1 N1 N2 N2 P P Step2.case3

19 LTM Step3 S S Step2.case1 N1 N1 P P

20 LTM States Case2 Case1 Case3 Step3

21 LTM Performance Traffic Search scope Overhead

22 ACE Step1: Probe link costs with neighbors Build neighbor cost table
Exchange neighbors cost table with neighbors

23 ACE Step2: Create a minimum spanning tree among each peer and its neighbors E E 14 14 4 4 15 G G S S 6 6 20 F F

24 ACE Step3: Replace neighbors Case1: SH<SG E Case2: GH>SH>SG
14 4 Case3: SH>SG,SH>GH G S 6 H F

25 ACE Depth of optimization (h-neighbor closure) A B D C E A->B=10
15 B 20 D 8 12 14 C E 7 A->B=10 A->D=15 E->C=7 E->D=14 B->E=8 D->E=14 Total:68

26 ACE 2-neighbor closure A A D D B B C E C E A->B=10 B->E=8
15 D D B 20 B 8 12 14 C E C E 7 A->B=10 B->E=8 E->C=7 E->D=14 Total:39

27 Discussion Measurement Link cutting and cycles
Link cost is not accurate Link cutting and cycles Heuristic to theoretical support f (Pn,Tn)=?

28 Conclusion Importance Effectiveness vs. cost Future work

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