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Mr. Hochberg Mr. Woodward Day 8 Exponential Functions

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1 Mr. Hochberg Mr. Woodward Day 8 Exponential Functions
Algebra 1 Mr. Hochberg Mr. Woodward Day 8 Exponential Functions  Fluency: Evaluating functions, making graphs

2 Review (Do Now) 5 minutes
Do as many problems as you can 1) What is growth mindset? 2) Draw an Elevation vs Time graph for a person taking an elevator down. 3) Draw a number line from -5 to 5. If you start at -4 and go right 6 jumps, where do you end? 4) Graph the point (2,8) 5) Draw an Elevation vs time graph for a person diving off a cliff 6) = ? 7) What does a quadratic graph look like? 8) What does a linear graph look like? 9) What are the 3 rules of class?

3 Automaticity (Fluency) Total Time: 3 minutes
Pick one column. Do as many problems as you can in 1 minute. Multiplication and Division Facts Decimals to Percents Solving Equations 8 x 2 16 0.7 70% X + 5 = 5 X = 0 4 x 9 36 0.03 3% X – 3 = 15 X = 18 7 x 1 7 0.3 30% 6 + X = 10 X = 4 81 ÷ 9 9 0.003 0.3% 19 = X – 3 X = 22 10 x 4 40 0.025 2.5% 2X = 10 X = 5 15 ÷ 5 3 0.15 15% 24 = 6X 5 x 11 55 1.15 115% 13 = X + 12 X = 1 72 ÷ 8 0.06 6% X – 6 = 11 X = 17 8 x 9 72 0.002 0.2% X + 8 = 13 72 ÷ 12 6 0.043% 10 – X = 8 X = 2 Multiplication and Division Facts Decimals to Percents Solving Equations 8 x 2 0.7 X + 5 = 5 4 x 9 0.03 X – 3 = 15 7 x 1 0.3 6 + X = 10 81 ÷ 9 0.003 19 = X – 3 10 x 4 0.025 2X = 10 15 ÷ 5 0.15 24 = 6X 5 x 11 1.15 13 = X + 12 72 ÷ 8 0.06 X – 6 = 11 8 x 9 0.002 X + 8 = 13 72 ÷ 12 10 – X = 8

4 Whiteboards Away! Total Time: 1 minute
Make sure the bins look like this!

5 Agenda Total Time: 10 seconds
15 minutes Opening Routine (Review, Automaticity, Good Things, Announcements, Objective) 25 minutes Exponential Functions 5 minutes Brain Break More Practice with Exponential Functions 10 minutes Closure (Objective Check, Next day HW Review, Exit Ticket, Quote of the Day)

6 Incentives Total Time: 10 seconds
Classroom Incentives Incentive Candy El dulce Bag of Chips Las patatas fritas 5 extra credit points 5 puntos de crédito adicionales en la próxima prueba Positive Phone Call Llamada telefónica positiva Shout out during announcements Di tu nombre durante los anuncios Raffle Tickets for On task behavior Math discussion Effort Courage Incentive System Raffle tickets! Write your name on the ticket!

7 Objective Total Time: 2 minutes
OBJECTIVE: SWBAT understand the graph and tables of exponential functions. Guiding Questions What is today’s objective in your own words? How does it relate to what we have been doing? Is there any new vocabulary?

8 Agenda Total Time: 10 seconds
15 minutes Opening Routine (Review, Automaticity, Good Things, Announcements, Objective) 25 minutes Exponential Functions 5 minutes Brain Break More Practice with Exponential Functions 10 minutes Closure (Objective Check, Next day HW Review, Exit Ticket, Quote of the Day)

9 Exponential Functions Total Time: 15 minutes

10 Exponential Functions Total Time: 15 minutes
When I say go answer questions 2 – 4 with your group.

11 Exponential Functions Total Time: 15 minutes
When I say go answer questions 6 and 7 with your group.

12 Agenda Total Time: 10 seconds
15 minutes Opening Routine (Review, Automaticity, Good Things, Announcements, Objective) 25 minutes Exponential Functions 5 minutes Brain Break More Practice with Exponential Functions 10 minutes Closure (Objective Check, Next day HW Review, Exit Ticket, Quote of the Day)

13 Brain Break 3 minutes

14 Agenda Total Time: 10 seconds
15 minutes Opening Routine (Review, Automaticity, Good Things, Announcements, Objective) 25 minutes Exponential Functions 5 minutes Brain Break More Practice with Exponential Functions 10 minutes Closure (Objective Check, Next day HW Review, Exit Ticket, Quote of the Day)

15 Independent Practice Total Time: 15 minutes
When I say go, take 10 minutes to silently and independently complete as much of sheet as you can.

16 Agenda Total Time: 10 seconds
15 minutes Opening Routine (Review, Automaticity, Good Things, Announcements, Objective) 25 minutes Exponential Functions 5 minutes Brain Break More Practice with Exponential Functions 10 minutes Closure (Objective Check, Next day HW Review, Exit Ticket, Quote of the Day)

17 Objective Check Total Time: 1 minute
OBJECTIVE: SWBAT understand the graph and tables of exponential functions. Whole Class Did we meet today’s objective?

18 Raffle Time! Total Time: 2 minutes
Incentive Candy El dulce Bag of Chips Las fritas 5 extra credit points 5 puntos de crédito adicionales en la próxima prueba Positive Phone Call Llamada telefónica positiva Shout out during announcements Di tu nombre durante los anuncios

19 Quote of the Day 15 seconds
Reflection Reminder to self: Give back work!

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