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Black spotted torpedo ray

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1 Black spotted torpedo ray
Scientific name Torpedo T.fuscomaculate

2 Slide 2 Kingdom : animalia Phylum : chordate Class : chondrehtes
Order : torpedrfones Genus : torpedo Species : fuscomaculata

3 Slide 3 up to 4.5 feet (1.4 m) in length, 90 pounds (40 kg) 

4 Slide 4 It is found in Mozambique, South Africa, possibly Madagascar, possibly Mauritius, and possibly Seychelles. Its natural habitat are open seas, shallow seas, sandy shores, estuaries waters, and intertidal flats.

5 Slide 5 herring, kelp bass, anchovies, halibut 

6 Slide 6 These rays can produce an electric current strong enough to stun prey and discourage predators. With this formidable defense, electric rays aren’t shy—they’re bold enough to approach and even chase divers.

7 Slide 7 Pacific electric rays aren’t in danger. Small commercial fisheries catch electric rays for biological and medical researchers

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