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14.2 Community Interactions

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1 14.2 Community Interactions
Anna&Guga.. And GERRY(thirdwheel)

2 Competition and Predation
Competition and Predation are two important ways in which organisms interact These are just two examples of the many interactions between species in an ecosystem

3 Competition Occurs when two organisms fight for the same limited resources. There are two different types of competition: Interspecific and Intraspecific conpetition. Interspecific competition occurs when two differenc species compete for a limited source, such as space. Intraspecific competition occurs among member of the same species

4 Predation The process by which one organism captures and feeds upon another organism. Many organisms have become highly adapted to hunting and killing their prey.

5 Symbiosis & Mutualism By:Gustavo Sa

6 Symbiosis Vocab. Definition: “A relationship in which two different organisms live in close association with each other.” Symbiosis can be beneficial or harmful. There are 3 major types of symbiosis: -Mutualism -Commensalism -Parasitism

7 Mutualism A major type of symbiotic relationship.
In this relationship both organisms benefit from one another. Ex: The long-nosed bat and the saguaro cactus. The bats help pollinate the cactus, when they fly from one to the other to feed on it’s nectar.

8 Commensalism - type of symbiotic relationship-
Relationship between two organisms 1 recieves ecological benefit from another Otherone is unaffected Example: - deep in the hair follices of your eyelashes might be microscopie mites calles demodicids who found their highly specialized niche in your hair follices and feed on the secretions and dead skin cells

9 Parasitism - another type of smybiotic relationship-
Relationship between two organisms similar to prediation 1 organism benefits Otherone ( the host ) is harmed Difference between paratism and prediation: - predator quickly eats and kills ist prey - parasite keeps it host alive for days or years Example: - braconid wasp lays it egss inside caterpillar - larvae hatch -> eat caterpillar from inside out - consume nutrients they need until they grow to adulds

10 Picture links

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