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Linear Inequalities (simple)

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1 Linear Inequalities (simple)
Corresponds to chapter 2.4 MCR

2 Linear inequality (can be nonlinear in one variable)
linear inequality: a linear relationship between a variable, a number and an inequality symbol (>,<, ≥, ≤) .

3 The “greater than” symbols
> means “greater than” --which means the solutions will be to the right of our value on the number line ≥ means “greater than or equal to” --which means the solutions will be to the right of our value on the number line but may also include our number of interest

4 The “less than” symbols
< means “less than” --which means the solutions will be to the left of our value on the number line ≤ means “less than or equal to” --which means the solutions will be to the left of our value on the number line but may also include our number of interest

5 How can we express this using set notation and the number line?
Using “x” as our variable, write the solution set in set notation for the graph. 𝑥 𝑥 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟>−1 The set contains the variable x such that x includes all real numbers greater than -1

6 One more Using “x” as our variable, write the solution set in set notation for the graph. {𝑥|𝑥≤0} “The set x such that x includes all real numbers that are less than or equal to zero”

7 Interval notation We can express the same ideas with interval notation
Interval notation uses brackets “[ ] “ to designate equal to Interval notation uses parenthesis “() “ to indicate the value is not equal to. The symbol −∞, +∞ designate negative and positive infinity.

8 Interval notation on the number line
Which means [𝟒,∞) “the solution includes all real numbers greater than or equal to 4”

9 Another example Which means (−∞,−2) or the solutions include all real numbers less than -2 (but not including -2) all the way to negative infinity (which is never reached).

10 A few example problems −4>3𝑛+5 (subtract 5 from both sides)
−9>3𝑛 (divide both sides by 3) −3>𝑛 Writing the solution in interval notation (−∞,−3) In set notation {𝑛|𝑛<−3}

11 Another (I d0) −5+6𝑥≥7 (add +5 to both sides)
6𝑥≥12 (divide both sides by 2) 𝑥≥2 [2,∞) (in interval notation) {𝑥|𝑥≥2} (in set notation)

12 A caveat If we multiply or divide the inequality by a negative number, we must change the direction of the inequality symbol!

13 Try one −10≥−3𝑥+ 2 (subtract 2 from both sides)
−12≥−3𝑥 ( divide both sides by -3x and change the direction of the inequality operator). 4≤𝑥 [4, ∞) (interval notation) {𝑥|𝑥≥4} (set notation)

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