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UNECE WLTP COP task-Force Revision on testing Frequency

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1 UNECE WLTP COP task-Force Revision on testing Frequency
DRAFT Mandate of the CoP Taskforce The CoP Taskforce shall: .. introduce a harmonised procedure (e.g. statistical approach, sampling frequency etc.) to demonstrate Conformity of Production (CoP) for the Type 1 test in GTR 15 the Type 4 test in GTR 19, and the future UN Regulation WLTP; Current EU: 1 sample per 5000 vehicles in an IP-family; at least once per year risk assesment necessary to analyze a sufficient number but  high burden for small and large families << and >> 5000 vehicles / year 1

2 Limit number of samples per year for large families
UNECE WLTP COP task-Force Revision on testing Frequency Proposal: Allow for COP-families under certain conditions for small families, e.g. Split IP-families due to exceedance of max. range (30g/km) Same engine, same drivetrain, same emission character but different engine power Same engine, same gearbox but 2WD/4WD Separate IP-families only due to gear ratios difference Extend to 2 year-period to finish the sample for <1000 veh/y Limit number of samples per year for large families 2

3 UNECE WLTP COP task-Force Revision on testing Frequency
Proposal 1 for 1151/2017 COP family criteria Current: For Category M vehicles and for Category N1 class I and class II vehicles, the COP family shall be identical to the interpolation family, as described in paragraph 5.6. of Annex XXI. New: Emission types can be merged with another emission type to form a COP family in accordance to the following provisions The vehicles have been split into different emissions types purely because the maximum range within an interpolation family would have been exceeded. The vehicles would conform to the criteria of a single emission type but have been split into different families by decision of the manufacturer (e.g. gear ratio within +/-8%) Only differ with respect to their road load family (eg. Different brakes, drivetrain losses) 2WD&4WD (for discussion) AT/MT (for discussion) 3

4 Proposal 2 UNECE WLTP COP task-Force Revision on testing Frequency 4
Current: The frequency for product verification performed by the manufacturer shall be based on a risk assessment methodology consistent with the international standard ISO 31000:2018 — Risk Management — Principles and guidelines and at least for Type 1 with a minimum frequency per COP family of one verification per vehicles produced or once per year, whichever comes first. Add*: If during a 12months-period 2 positive verifications have already taken place a complete third verification is not necessary if further vehicles are tested on a regular basis and lie within 2*sigma of the mean of the vehicles of the 2 earlier verifications. *premises: a continuous verification of the production during 12 months-period should be ensured if possible. By selecting the vehicles continuously out of the production line. 4

5 COP: current issues Jan Feb Mch Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dez Situation if one has to finish within 5000 vehicles??? IP1 ~20 000 IP2 ~6 000 IP3 ~10 IP4 ~ SOP How to finish??? ? ? ? Overlapping samples belonging to different statistics? SOP Production slot for vehicle Production slot for vehicle First 3 vehicles are selected in advance Production slot for vehicle

6 Reg. EC 1151/2017 Annex I subpar. 4.1. Annex I subpar 4.2 The frequency for product verification performed by the manufacturer shall be based on a risk assessment methodology consistent with the international standard ISO 31000:2018 — Risk Management — Principles and guidelines and at least for Type 1 with a minimum frequency per COP family of one verification per vehicles produced or once per year, whichever comes first. A sample of three vehicles shall be selected at random in the COP family. After selection by the approval authority, the manufacturer shall not undertake any adjustment to the vehicles selected.

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