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Presentation on theme: "Trivia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trivia

2 What is a male turkey called? A. Tom B. Jerry C. Curley

3 A. Tom

4 What is a female turkey called? A. Betty B. Hen C. Goose

5 B. Hen

6 Where will you find the turkey’s wattle. A. Under his wing B
Where will you find the turkey’s wattle? A. Under his wing B. Under His throat C. Inside his throat

7 B. The wattle is the flabby skin growth that hangs under the turkey’s throat.

8 How long does it take for a domestic turkey to grow from birth to being plump enough for market? A. 6 months; B. 2 years; C. 10 Weeks

9 C. 10 Weeks

10 What do you call a group of turkeys? A. A Gang B. A Flock C. A Pride

11 B. A Flock

12 True or False: Thanksgiving is only celebrated in the United States?

13 False: Canada celebrates a Thanksgiving day also.

14 What were Pilgrims originally called. A. Puritans B. Settlers C
What were Pilgrims originally called? A. Puritans B. Settlers C. Scavengers

15 A. Puritans: They wanted to purify the church of England

16 The word Turkey is said to have come from the Hebrew word “Tukki” which means: A. Wild Bird B. Big Bird C. Pretty Bird

17 B. Big Bird

18 True or False: A turkey can drown if they look up in the rain.

19 True!!!

20 How long did the first Thanksgiving celebration last. A. 1 month B
How long did the first Thanksgiving celebration last? A. 1 month B. 2 weeks C. 3 days

21 C. Three Days

22 How big was the largest Turkey ever raised. A. 86 lbs. B. 250 lbs. C
How big was the largest Turkey ever raised? A. 86 lbs. B lbs. C. 52 lbs.

23 A. 86 lbs.

24 In 2003 the average American ate how many pounds of Turkey. A. 35
In 2003 the average American ate how many pounds of Turkey? A lbs. B lbs. C lbs.

25 C lbs.

26 True or False: For their first meal on the moon, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin ate roast turkey in foil packets.

27 True!

28 True or False: Turkeys can see in color?

29 True!

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