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F E A T U R E : Floatride Energy foam... A D V A N T A G E :

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Presentation on theme: "F E A T U R E : Floatride Energy foam... A D V A N T A G E :"— Presentation transcript:

1 F E A T U R E : Floatride Energy foam... A D V A N T A G E : you have a premium cushioning experience and superior energy return. B E N E F I T : you feel as fast as you possibly can. FLOATRIDE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY BRINGS RUNNERS SUPERIOR CUSHIONING AND RESPONSIVENESS IN THE LIGHTEST FORM POSSIBLE. Why should runners have to make a choice between weight, cushioning and responsiveness? Many running shoes force runners to make compromises, with one attribute often coming at the expense of another. But runners shouldn’t have to compromise. Using different production methods, Floatride Energy’s unique foam structure: F L O A T R I D E E N E R G Y C O L O U R W AY Create a more consistent cushioned feel A smooth ride from heel to toe Create custom compression groove based on your stride for a more personalized ride. Q1 Q2 The end result is a shoe that is lighter and offers increased energy return with reduced lost energy at impact.

2 F L O A T R I D E F A M I L Y

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