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The Cold War at Home Unit 9 Test – Thursday 2/14.

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1 The Cold War at Home Unit 9 Test – Thursday 2/14

2 The Red Scare Intense fear of Communists taking over U.S.
China became a Communist country in 1949. Soviets developed an atomic bomb in 1949. Rosenberg’s convicted of selling atomic secrets to Soviet Union. President Truman ordered creation of Loyalty Review Boards to investigate “un-American” activities. Participation in the American Communist Party. Many were accused of “un-American” actions based on very little evidence. Violation of civil liberties.

3 The House Un-American Activities Committee
Congress did its own loyalty check through its House Un- American Activities Committee. Questioned actors, directors, writers, and anyone with possible Communist sympathies. Those identified as Communist sympathizers were often “blacklisted”. Lost their jobs and could not get hired. If you cooperated you were asked to inform on others.

4 Investigation of Alger Hiss
Alger Hiss was a public servant who had been involved in several New Deal agencies and a part of the formation of the UN 1948 – a man named Whittaker Chambers testified in front of HUAC about his communist past (used to be a communist espionage agent) and named Alger Hiss as one of his contacts in the federal government. Hiss had to appear before HUAC and denied he was a communist. Found guilty of perjury and sentenced to 5 years in prison. Many still believed he was innocent but evidence continued to emerge, increasing fears of communist infiltration.

5 Rosenberg Trials 1950 – Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were charged with selling national secrets to the USSR about making the atomic bomb. Many didn’t believe they were involved. Executed in 1953. 1995 – Venona Papers released revealing that the Rosenberg’s had been spying for the USSR, along with other names. Showed that Soviet agents had infiltrated American government and science.

6 Fear of Communist Infiltration

7 McCarthyism In 1950, Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin claimed that he had “lists” of communists in the U.S. government – no real proof. Falsely accused hundreds of people of being active Communists, ruining lives. 1954- Started attacking the Army When hearings were televised, people saw that McCarthy was wrongly accusing many people. Censured (punished) by Senate “McCarthyism” is now identified as making accusations without evidence.

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Fear of Nuclear War The possibility of a nuclear attack or war terrified the American public. Americans were encouraged to build bomb shelters for their homes. Schools and businesses did atomic bomb drills, just like we do fire drills today. “Duck and Cover” h?v=IKqXu-5jw60

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