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When I think of Corporate Social Responsibility, I think of my daughter and the world where she will grow-up. I think about the quality of the environment,

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Presentation on theme: "When I think of Corporate Social Responsibility, I think of my daughter and the world where she will grow-up. I think about the quality of the environment,"— Presentation transcript:

1 When I think of Corporate Social Responsibility, I think of my daughter and the world where she will grow-up. I think about the quality of the environment, I think of the communities and I think of world peace. When I think of outsourcing, I think of relationships, I think of teamwork and I think of its link to corporate social responsibility

2 I like to think of CSR in terms of pictures as CSR has many inter-related dependencies. If we use the picture involving a taxi, I will explain. Our taxi driver are the leaders of corporations – the visionaries. The people who have the ability to steer us safely to our destination or put or lives in peril. Our engine – the shareholders, the employees, the customers. A finely tuned engine can have a significant impact on our environment, our community and the opposite, equal significant however adverse effects. Our passengers – the community that nurtures our families, placing complete hope on the leaders to drive them safely to their destinations however, shielded by the divider to interact directly. pr The Environment – providing the raw materials and resources to drive forward – raw materials and resources that are limited and should be cherished. The Governments – providing infrastructure, rules and guidelines to keep us safely within the boundaries. All of these components and many more create the dependencies in the CSR world. Corporations directly affect and shape the world we live in – if they drive to fast, they kill the engine, endanger the passengers, destroy the infrastructure and harm the environment. If they drive responsibility, they preserve and positively shape the world for our children.

3 Environment Community Leaders Shareholders Customers Local Governments
When I think about outsourcing, the same components of our picture apply. I think about how the environment will be affected as we manufacture products around the world. I think about our community both locally and around the world – how will each one be affected. I recognize the tremendous power that leaders have to positively shape the lives of people around the world as well as the ability to manufacture destruction. I think about shareholder value – whether it will be strengthened or weakened over the long-term through outsourcing deals. Our customers – will they benefit from outsourcing, will it affect our sales, our market reputation. And I think of our local governments – on one side, challenged with the fear that jobs are going away and on the other side, that economies are being stimulated in developing countries or depressed regions.

4 Environment Community Leaders Shareholders Other Customers Communities
Local Governments Other Communities Responsible outsourcing can fulfil many objectives of Corporate Social Responsibility. We can invest in new environmental standards and transfers best practices to our outsourcing destinations. We can provide jobs, salaries, opportunities to people providing more opportunities for their family. We can invest in local communities to develop training programs, exchange programs, diversification of the arts, etc. Our leaders can exchange ideas around the world to gain new perspectives, develop new relationships and friendships that hopefully can result in a more peaceful world. Outsourcing initiatives that benefit our shareholders can provide more capital to invest abroad and locally. Customers can benefit from innovative products and services, access to new products and services generating more revenues that allow the employment of more people. Outsourcing is a very effective way to develop economies.

5 Environment Community Leaders Shareholders Local Customers Communities
Local Governments Local Communities I have chosen the term ‘Balanced Outsourcing’ because I believe that outsourcing is about cause and effects. Let’s look at each point from the perspective of the local community. Environment – if an area has been selected to manufacture a new product, serious considerations must be made for the environment. Also, abandoning manufacturing facilities with waste products is a terrible inheritance for a community. Corporations have an obligation to ensure that the environment is not adversely affected. The planet is to small to dump our waste in someone else ‘s backyard. The Community provides a home for the corporation. Corporations should strive to be good neighbours, investing in education, arts and infrastructure. Outsourcing is more than numbers. Outsourcing is about people. Leaders have an obligation to people, a responsibility. Leaders have the ability to build better communities around the world. Shareholders will be adversely affected by imbalanced outsourcing engagements – there are plenty examples of this! Local communities are often comprised of the customers. Nobody wants to do business with a bad neighbour. Local governments have a responsibility for their citizens. These responsibilities encompass safety, quality of life and opportunity. Governments also rely on corporations for funding, innovation and leadership. Together, local governments and corporations can develop a strategy that benefits all residents. Outsourcing is not about achieving short term gains. Short term opportunities often compromise long term goals. Forward thinking partnerships and concepts develop a world where all of our children can prosper.

6 Corporate Social Responsibility is not about audit plans.
Corporate Social Responsibility is about outsourcing responsibility to consultants. Corporate Social Responsibility is not about society waiting for corporations to save the world. Corporate Social Responsibility is about you – its about me. It’s about the people who comprise the corporations. Corporate Social Responsibility is about me waking up in the morning and asking whether or not my corporation is building a better place for my children. It’s about me going to the office and involving myself. Leaders are only as effective as their teams. If the team is not committed to building a better world, the leader will not succeed. Trestle Group is committed to building a better world. I am pleased to introduce the Trestle Group Foundation to you at this event. Trestle Group Foundation connects bright people like and the corporations you represent with developing countries and communities. The foundation bridges the gap between local initiatives with resources such as revenue, leaders and experts. The foundation raises money to sponsor programs to help develop countries and communities build infrastructures to support outsourcing engagements. We have all seen examples of great ideas that didn’t get support or funding – through this initiative, we now have an opportunity to fuel those passions and ambitions. The program will working closely with the United Nations Development Program, USAID, World Bank and other organizations to complement local programs. I am very excited about this initiative. If you are interested to learn more about this foundation, our executive director is based here in London – Dana Smith. He will gladly meet with you.

7 Corporate Social Responsibility is about building a better world for our children. It is our children who will inherit the legacy of our deeds – good or bad. Outsourcing is a way of doing business – it is building the right team – where ever that team may be. Outsourcing is a perfect program to model into a corporate social responsibility initiative benefiting both local and other communities. Balanced outsourcing is sustainable. Short term outsourcing strategies often tip the scale. Corporate Social Responsibility is about you – its about me. It’s about waking up in the morning and making a difference. Thank you again for this opportunity and I look forward to building a better world with you.

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