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Welcome to Year 3’s Curriculum Information Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3’s Curriculum Information Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3’s Curriculum Information Meeting

2 Year 3 Team Mrs Kate Cooper– Team Leader & 3KC Miss Jemma Harrop– 3JH
Mr Matthew Giles – 3MG

3 Curriculum Topics 3 across the year Pirates, Bugs and Stone Age
Core Subjects Literacy – Instructions, Information Texts, Character descriptions, Poetry Spelling – 3 x a week, word of the day daily Guided Reading – focus on comprehension

4 Maths – Daily maths lessons and additional mental maths sessions at least twice a week.
Mental maths – number bonds, doubling, times tables Shape – 3D and 2D shape including right angles. Place value, addition and subtraction. Measures including reading scales. Multiplication.

5 Foundation Subjects Science – Aut 1 - Rocks and soils Aut 2 - Forces
DT – Designing and making sandwiches Art – Landscapes ICT – Coding using scratch PE – Gymnastics, ball skills, dance, rugby French – Numbers, classroom instructions, colours, days of the week and months Music – Sea shanties PSHE – Growth mindset.

6 Enrichment Activities
Autumn Term DT- Warburtons workshops – 5th, 6th and 7th November Drama/Topic- Openbox Theatre workshops 2nd October

7 Reminders P.E. Kit - all items named and in a drawstring bag. Trainers often get dirty so a plastic bag to put them in would be useful. Children need their kits on a Tuesday and Thursday. Earrings should be taken out or taped up if newly pierced. If girls hair is shoulder length or longer, it needs to be tied up. School Uniform – please name everything! Lunchboxes – please name. Nail Varnish – please remove it before the school day or week begins. Jewellery – only medi-alert bracelets, stud earrings and watches allowed. Art Apron – an old adult polo shirt (named) is ideal. Children are encouraged to drink water during the day – could you please provide a named water bottle. Pencil cases – writing pencil, rubber, sharpener, colouring pencils. No felt tip or gel pens please.

8 Communication Please talk to us – Class Dojo, if you have concerns or enquiries please send us a message. If you would like to see us about anything, you can also arrange a meeting this way After 8.40, when the children come in, we are unable to see you. Planner – please record when you read with your child.

9 Parent Helpers! If you are able to help during the afternoons, please contact your child’s class teacher via Class Dojo. Trips – We are always grateful for any helpers for visits.

10 Homework Weekly: Given out on a Thursday and to be handed in by the following Wednesday. Maths Once a fortnight: mental maths games/activities. Times Tables Rock Stars, Topmarks Literacy Daily: Reading Once a week: Spelling activity. Once a fortnight: English activity with an initial focus on handwriting. Letter Join – User name – kemp Password - shott

11 Thank you for attending.

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