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Metro SPDES Permit - 3/2012 Significant changes:

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Presentation on theme: "Metro SPDES Permit - 3/2012 Significant changes:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Metro SPDES Permit - 3/2012 Significant changes:
Metro 002 Bypass Total Residual Chlorine limit Implementation 4/1/2016 WET chronic testing MMP - goal to meet WQBEL 0.7 ng/L Source Trackdown - Phenol and Iron Meet WQBEL for Phenol and proposed guidance value for Iron

2 Metro SPDES Permit (cont.)
Compliance Action for CSOs Includes AMP monitoring and significant reporting requirements RTF monitoring Permit to be modified again for post- TMDL phosphorus load allocations

3 Lake Monitoring Program – Sampling for the Future
How should the monitoring program change now that goals have been achieved? County objective – Design 2013 monitoring for current needs

4 Lake Monitoring Program
Some Suggestions….. Drop North Deep? Reduce Near Shore monitoring? Drop Lake Outlet? Drop Heavy metals? Drop Licor? Drop weekly Chlorophyll-a at South deep? Drop Winter Monitoring? Annual Macrophyte Aerial Survey? Other Ideas?????

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