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Journal Questions/Topics.

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1 Journal Questions/Topics

2 Journal Question Write something nice about yourself.
Ex. If I had to write something nice about myself, it would be that I am responsible and I can be creative. I really try to be economical and practical instead of worrying about having expensive things that I can’t afford.

3 Journal Question What do you fear most? Why?

4 Journal If I could do it over again….

5 Journal topic I’ll never forget the look on his/her face….

6 Journal What is your hobby? Why do you enjoy it?

7 Journal Question Did you ever stick up for someone?

8 Journal Question If you could go back in time anywhere and "any when," where/when would you go and why?

9 Journal Write about something you desperately wanted when you were a kid.

10 Journal The most useful invention ever created is the   _________.

11 Journal Question If you had three wishes, what would they be?

12 Journal If my desk could talk

13 Journal Write about an incident that illustrates kindness

14 Journal Describe your dream room.

15 Journal I was telling the truth and ____ didn't believe me.

16 Journal Our next door neighbor

17 Journal Describe an unforgettable experience

18 Journal Describe your first visit to the dentist

19 Journal Pets are like people

20 Journal Describe an outdoor experience.

21 Journal When I'm older

22 Journal What is your favorite time of year?

23 Journal The accident

24 Journal Describe a favorite toy you had as a child.

25 journal Write about what you didn't do this weekend.

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