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<Author(s) Name and Affiliation>

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Presentation on theme: "<Author(s) Name and Affiliation>"— Presentation transcript:

1 <Author(s) Name and Affiliation>
<TITLE> <Author(s) Name and Affiliation> Instructions This template is set up with a custom page size of 36” width x 48” height Populate this slide with content appropriate for your research. Include <TITLE> and <Authors(s) Name and Affiliation>. Provide a short description of the problem and the objectives of your research. Organize your poster into relevant sections in any format you desire. Include relevant figures and tables to enhance the visual appeal of the poster. Minimize the use of text/words in your poster for maximum readability. The recommended font size is between points. Avoid crowding your poster with too much information or words. Delete this “Instructions/Submission” box before designing the content for your poster.

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