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Chapter 8 Confederation to Constitution

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 Confederation to Constitution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 Confederation to Constitution
Section 1 The Confederation Era

2 Chapter 8 Sec 1 Vocabulary
Wilderness Road Republic Articles of Confederation  

3 Land Ordinance of 1785 Northwest Territory Northwest Ordinance 7) Shay’s Rebellion

4 Chapter 8 Objective Questions 1-3
Into which areas did American settlement expand in the late 1700s?  2) What kind of governments did the new states create for themselves?

5 3) What is a republic. Why is the United States a republic
3) What is a republic? Why is the United States a republic? 4) What issues divided the Continental Congress as it developed a plan for a national government?

6 Chapter 8 Objective Questions 4-6
5) What were the structure and powers of the national government under the Articles of Confederation?

7 6) How did state claims to western lands affect the acceptance of the Articles of Confederation?








15 Chapter 8 Objective Questions7-9
7) How did the Land Ordinance of 1785 state that the western lands should be divided? 8) How were the western territories governed under the Northwest Ordinance?

16 9) Why was the Northwest Ordinance important to the growth of the United States?

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