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Edge Lights Tutorial Making the Light Shows.

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1 Edge Lights Tutorial Making the Light Shows

2 The Light Show Designer (available on www. lasersedgetech
The Light Show Designer (available on is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to create light shows for your Edge Lights. The light shows are a combination of patterns, colors, speed, and fading – all of which can be configured in the Light Show Designer. TIPS: Throughout the tutorial, additional tips, tricks, and hints will appear in this area.

3 The Light Show Designer is broken into a few functional areas
The Light Show Designer is broken into a few functional areas. Menu Options allow you to create new light shows (New / Clear), Open existing light shows, Save light shows to disk or flash drive and Exit the application. TIPS: Windows standard Open and Save dialog windows display. Menu Options

4 The Light Patterns are a set of pre-defined light sequences that create different patterns in the lights. The Panel Combinations allows you to pick which panel or panels that the pattern will be applied. In this example the pattern will fade in and out on the back panel only while the front and middle panel will remain constantly on. TIPS: Additional Light Patterns will be added over time. Check the website for updates. All Panel Combinations might not be available for all Light Patterns. Patterns Panel Selection

5 Light Show Timing is controlled in this area
Light Show Timing is controlled in this area. There is a setting to control the Speed of the pattern and one that controls the Fade – which is basically how smoothly the lights transition from one part of the pattern to the next. Click on the up or down arrows to adjust the speed and fade. TIPS: Speed is from 0.1 seconds to 3 seconds in 0.1 second increments. Fade is from 0 to 5 seconds in 0.1 second increments. Timing

6 Color selection is done with the Back Color / Middle Color / Front Color buttons. These button will display the standard color selection window found in most Windows applications. Each row of lights can be set to any one of 16 million colors. TIPS: The Basic Light Show Designer (this app) allows for row based colors only. To program each light individually – contact Laser’s Edge. Color Selection

7 This window appears when one of the row color buttons is pressed
This window appears when one of the row color buttons is pressed. It may vary slightly based on your version of Windows. TIPS: The Basic Colors window appears by default. To access the full window, click on the Define Custom Colors button.

8 The area outlined in Red is the light simulator
The area outlined in Red is the light simulator. It will simulate what the light show will look like according to the pattern and panels selected, the colors selected for each row, and the speed and fade settings. Now let’s walk through an example to see how easy it is. TIPS: The simulator gives you an idea of how the lights will function. Actual results will vary based on the slide design and engraving depths.

9 Select the Right to Left Fill pattern
Click on Right to Left Fill in the Light Patterns list. Now click on Front and Middle in the Panel Combinations list. TIPS: Patterns that end in the word Fill will leave the lights on as the pattern progresses. Select the Right to Left Fill pattern Select Front and Middle panels

10 You will immediately see the light show simulator in action
You will immediately see the light show simulator in action. The front and middle rows are filling in from right to left while the back row is staying on. TIPS: Default colors are Red, Green, and Blue from front to back. Default speed is set to the fastest at 0.1 seconds.

11 Click on down arrow to slow down the speed
Let’s slow it down by clicking on the down arrow on the speed control. Change it from 0.1 seconds to 0.4 seconds. Now we have the same right to left fill pattern on the front and middle rows running at a slightly slower speed. Now let’s change the colors. TIPS: Every panel design is unique as it relates to the speed. You might have to try this several times before you get it just right. Click on down arrow to slow down the speed

12 Click on the Middle Color button
TIPS: All of the buttons can be accessed by click on them with the mouse, tabbing to them and pressing enter, or using the Alt key in combination with the letter that is underlined. Alt-m in this case. Middle Color button

13 Select the Yellow from the Basic Colors
Select the Yellow from the Basic Colors. If you want more color options click on Define Custom Colors. Click on OK when done. TIPS: Custom Colors will give you access to 16 million color combinations using several different methods.

14 The middle row of lights have changed to Yellow and the Middle Color button has changed to yellow to show that this row color has been changed from the default. TIPS: From here you can change any of the options - Light Patterns, Panel Combinations, Colors, Speed, and Fade. As you change your selections the results will show up in the simulator so you can see exactly how your selections will look in your light show.

15 Play around and Have Fun!!!
When you are satisfied with your light show, you can Save it to disk or directly to your flash drive. You can also come back and modify any light show by using the Open Show button. Play around and Have Fun!!! TIPS: All light shows will save with a .led file extension and will play by alphabetical order in the base. Save

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