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Sexual Behaviors and Sexuality Education

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Behaviors and Sexuality Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Behaviors and Sexuality Education

2 Sexting Picture:

3 Sexting What is it? “20% of teens (age 13-19) and 33% of young adults (20-26) have sexted. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy Reasons teens sext: Legalities???

4 Sexual Activity Guttmacher Institute

5 (Guttmacher Institute, 2011)

6 Teen Pregnancy Approx. 750,000 15-19 y/o become pregnant every year.
The good news… Teen pregnancy is declining The bad news… U.S. teen pregnancy is still one of the highest among developed nations. (Guttmacher Institute, 2011)

7 Teen Pregnancy in Oregon
County Teen Pregnancy Rate (July 10 – Jun 11) Total 1,261 Benton 12 Linn 43 Marion 180 Polk 25 Yamhill 48 ( 2011)


9 U.S. teens & pregnancy & STIs
Less likely to use contraceptives Have shorter relationships Have more sexual partners Why the difference? Guttmacher Institute

10 Sources of information
(Guttmacher Institute, 2011)

11 Sexuality Education (Guttmacher Institute, 2011)

12 Students say they need more sex education in school than they currently receive
Guttmacher Institute

13 Americans overwhelmingly favor broader sex education
93% of parents reported their child has benefited from sex education 94% of parents say that sex education should cover contraception Only 15% of Americans want abstinence-only education taught in the classroom Guttmacher Institute

14 Abstinence education Defined by the federal government:
“abstinence education… has as its exclusive purpose, teaching the social, psychological, and health gains to be realized by abstaining from sexual activity.” Guttmacher Institute

15 Abstinence Only Effectiveness
“No evidence shows that abstinence without contraceptive education effectively protects teens.” “Contraceptive education does not encourage sexual activity.” Guttmacher Institute

16 Sex Education Delays sexual activity Increases contraceptive use
Reduces number of partners Guttmacher Institute

17 Oregon Law House Bill 2509 Oregon has the most aggressive law in U.S.
Each school district: Age-appropriate Medically accurate Comprehensive – promotes abstinence STD’s Communication / Relationships Oregon has the most aggressive law in U.S.

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