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Superlative of Superiority

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Presentation on theme: "Superlative of Superiority"— Presentation transcript:

1 Superlative of Superiority
(Superlativo da Superioridade)

2 • Adjetivos monossilábicos (de uma ou duas sílabas terminados em (y), (er), (le) e (ow):
Bill Gates is the richest man in the world. Angelina Jolie is the prettiest woman I know.

3 Einstein was the wisest man.
The northeast is the hottest region in Brazil.

4 • Adjetivos de duas ou mais sílabas:
Studying is the most important thing to do. Veja is the most interesting magazine.

5 Superlative of Inferiority
(Superlativo da Inferioridade)

6 Fusca is the least cool car in my opnion.
This man is the least charming person.

7 Exceptions: Good – Better than– The Best
Ex.: Pelé was the best soccer player. Bad – Worse than– The Worst Ex.: Collor was the worst president. Far – Farther than – The farthest Ex.: Japan is the farthest country.

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