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Advance Searching with Google

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1 Advance Searching with Google
Based on Material found at: Presented by Steve Madsen

2 1. Open your web browser

3 2. Go to the Google Advanced search page
2. Go to the Google Advanced search page. You can do this in one of two ways: Go to the website:  OR If you're already searching through Google, you can click on the gear on the right hand side of the search page. Select "Advanced search," the second option from the top. Gear

4 3. Find pages with the words you want
3. Find pages with the words you want. This requires you to fill out as much as you can of the first half of the new page. You don't have to fill in every box; just focus on the categories you need to improve your search. Here is the information you'll need to provide: Under "all of these words" type in any of the important words in your search. Instax film Tips Under "exact word or phrase" type in the word or phrase you're looking for. “victorian age” “women’s work”

5 Under "any of these words" type in any of the words that you want.
“victorian age” “women’s work” “cheap labour” Under "none of these words" type in any words you don't want. “victorian age” “women’s work” “cheap labour” -prostitute, - prostitution

6 4. Narrow your results. Now you can provide even more information about what you're looking for to narrow your results even further. You don't have to select all of the options -- just focus on the ones you need to help narrow your search. Here are your options for further refining your search: .edu

7 File Type. Modify your search to find a file type such as Flash

8 Usage Rights. Modify your search by material that is free to use or share.

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