IEEE Regulatory SC Atlanta DRAFT Meeting Plan and Agenda

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1 IEEE 802.11 Regulatory SC Atlanta DRAFT Meeting Plan and Agenda
April 2009 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 May 2012 IEEE Regulatory SC Atlanta DRAFT Meeting Plan and Agenda Date: Authors: Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

2 April 2009 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 May 2012 Abstract This presentation is the plan for the Mary 15, 2012 IEEE Regulatory Standing Committee meeting in Atlanta. Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

3 Agenda Assign a recording secretary Administrative items Introduction
May 2012 Agenda Assign a recording secretary Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Administrative items Required notices Introduction The regulatory summaries Critical issues actions Regulatory review of base standard Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

4 Administrative Items May 2012 Standing Committee rules
Introduce the ethics etc... slides in your meetings,  you should not call for essential patents SC,  is a "committee of the whole" of the WG - i.e. any WG member can contribute; in practice, anybody who turns up can speak During f2f meetings,  you can hold formal votes of only the voting members of ; on a telecon you can take straw polls,  but not formal votes Required notices Affiliation FAQ - Anti-Trust FAQ - Ethics - IEEE Working Group Policies and Procedures - Chair and Secretary Chair is Rich Kennedy (Research In Motion) Peter Ecclesine will act as Recording Secretary Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

5 Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings
May 2012 Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings. Technical considerations remain primary focus Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed … do formally object. See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause and “Promoting Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details. Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

6 Introduction Outputs from this group must go through 802.18 Purpose
May 2012 Introduction Purpose Improve the working relationship between the technical experts and the regulatory specialists, especially when it comes to critical technical issues Scope The group will review new regulatory changes or impending changes affecting standards Each meeting will focus on the most critical issue at the time Critical Issue Focus Direct impact on IEEE current and future standards Response/Input deadlines Coordination with IEEE (RR-TAG) Coordination with the Wi-Fi Alliance Outputs from this group must go through Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

7 Regulatory Summary – North America
May 2012 Regulatory Summary – North America US Opening the 5350 – 5470 MHz and 5850 to 5925 MHz bands FCC R&O on the TVWS Canada Mexico Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

8 Progress on Unlicensed Spectrum Changes
May 2012 Progress on Unlicensed Spectrum Changes Unlicensed use of the 5 GHz band 8-month NTIA study to add MHz to U-NII 18-month NTIA study for MHz Possible new unlicensed spectrum in 3550 to 3650 MHz Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

9 CSMAC Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Council
May 2012 CSMAC Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Council Next meeting May 30th from 10a-12p EST at the U.S. Department of Commerce (1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 4830, Washington, DC 20230)Draft discussions on unlicensed spectrum “…the CSMAC ‘will consider the appropriate processes and structure for facilitating the development of recommendations based on a dialogue between industry and relevant federal agencies to make the MHz band available for wireless broadband, while maintaining essential federal capabilities and maximizing commercial utilization.  NTIA will post a detailed agenda on its website, prior to the meeting.’” Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

10 Regulatory Summary – European Union
May 2012 Regulatory Summary – European Union ETSI First ETSI BRAN TVWS meeting June 6th – 8th to develop EN ) TG11 meeting June 4th and 5th n EN v1.9.1 SRdoc on DA2GC UK Ofcom TVWS meetings outcome Ofcom VNS plan Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

11 Regulatory Summary - Asia
May 2012 Regulatory Summary - Asia New liaison from IEEE to Japan’s TVWS Promotion Committee First update during Wednesday mid-week plenary Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

12 Critical Issues Actions
May 2012 Critical Issues Actions Lufthansa DA2GC FM PT48 recommended 2.4 GHz band not be used More industry input needed to support this view SRdoc nearing completion Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

13 Lufthansa DA2GC Direct Air to Ground Communications
May 2012 Lufthansa DA2GC Direct Air to Ground Communications Network to span all of western Europe Base stations to blanket the EU Provides a number of service for in-flight operation FM PT48 recommended 2.4 GHz band not be used Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

14 Supports Multiple Services
May 2012 Supports Multiple Services Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

15 Coverage with 2.4 GHz Base Stations
May 2012 Coverage with 2.4 GHz Base Stations Deployment of base stations in order to get continuous coverage throughout Europe Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

16 May 2012 References FCC Report and Order on changes in the TV bands: Ofcom “Draft regulatory requirements for white space devices in the UHF TV band” updated 16FEB2012 ( Direct Air to Ground Data Connectivity for A/C Use of License Exempt Spectrum ( Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

17 Interesting Websites and Documents
May 2012 Interesting Websites and Documents FCC Spectrum Dashboard ( Second Interim Progress Report on the Ten-Year Plan and Timetable ( FCC Technical Advisory Council, December 2011 ( Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

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