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Y7 Speaking assessment You are going to prepare a presentation about yourself and your favourite star using the vocabulary learned so far.

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Presentation on theme: "Y7 Speaking assessment You are going to prepare a presentation about yourself and your favourite star using the vocabulary learned so far."— Presentation transcript:

1 Y7 Speaking assessment You are going to prepare a presentation about yourself and your favourite star using the vocabulary learned so far

2 Y7 Speaking assessment You will need to write your introduction on your own but can practise saying it with a partner. You will learn it by heart and will be allowed to use prompts to help you say it ( not your exercise book). On your prompt sheet you will be allowed: - a maximum of 10 French words - as many pictures as you wish. - no English. You will be peer-assessed in class

3 Y7 Speaking assessment content
Moi Ma star préférée Je m’appelle… Ça s’écrit…. J’ai ……ans Mon anniversaire c’est le… J’habite à…. J’ai les cheveux……… J’ai les yeux Je suis… (+size and personality) J’aime…………….. Je n’aime pas…………… Ma star préférée s’appelle…. Il/elle est…..(+size and or personality) Il/elle a les cheveux…… Il/elle a les yeux………… Il/elle aime/joue………

4 Y7 Speaking assessment Be realistic about the amount you will be able to write correctly and remember! You should include as much information about yourself as possible first. Then if you can, add information about your favourite star The importance is on the accuracy of the language, and pronunciation. Quality and delivery.

5 Y7 Speaking peer assessment sheet will look like this
Year 7 Peer Assessment sheet : Je me présente Total for communication _________ Total for pronunciation _________ Total mark ______ Good points ___________________________________________________________________ One area for improvement _______________________________________________________ Communication Pronunciation 1 point 2 points Name Spelling Age Birthday Live Size Personality Eyes Hair Likes Dislikes Favourite star Questions Qualifiers

6 Speaking assessment levels
You can achieve levels 1-4 for this assignment Level 1: Say single words and short simple phrases (name, onze ans, petit, j’aime musique). - You can read a model. Level 2: Give basic information and use set phrases (ie. je m’appelle.., j’ai onze ans, je suis petit, j’aime la musique..). Level 3: - Give a brief talk about yourself and your favourite star using mainly memorised language. - Speak in full phrases and sentences. - You may use a prompt sheet. Level 4: - Give a brief talk about yourself and your favourite star using mainly memorised language. - Express opinions - Use qualifiers (assez, très…) - Use Linking words (et, mais…) - Ask questions (2 max)

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