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Senior Project: Proposal

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2 Senior Project: Proposal

3 Proposal Committee Chair
Mr. Brian Clements - (Room 209) 9th English/Language Arts 12th Dramatic Writing Actual Picture

4 Presentation Night Rubric!
5 – Exemplary 4 – Above Average 3 - Proficient 2 – Needs Development 1 - Ineffective Learning Stretch Sincere, significant learning stretch is evident; student stepped far out of their comfort zone Clear learning stretch is evident Learning stretch is evident, but not significant Learning stretch is minor No evidence of a learning stretch Product Clear, purposeful and completed ; Impressive product Clear, purposeful and completed Clear and completed Product not developed or unclear what product is No evidence of a product or idea

5 Presentation Night Rubric!
Use of Technology / Tools of the Trade Advanced technology used often throughout experience; evidence is well-documented in presentation Advanced technology used in experience; evidence is documented in presentation Some basic technology used (camera, phone, etc); evidence is seen in presentation Some technology used, but no evidence in presentation No evidence of technology used in project Internship Experience Described in detail; clearly a sincere experience; much evidence is documented in presentation Internship experience is described; evidence is documented in presentation Some description of experience; evidence is seen in presentation Minimal description of Internship or no evidence in presentation No mention of Internship Experience Research Research directly correlates to the project; Many data are used throughout presentation to enhance the presentation Research correlates to the project, but is not used effectively to enhance the presentation Research is briefly mentioned Research does not correlate to the project No mention of research

6 Your PROPOSAL Must Include:

7 YOUR PRODUCT What major task are you going to complete? What good will you produce? What service will you perform? What skill will you demonstrate? Describe this IN DETAIL. It should be clear to ANYONE who reads it. You will have to prove to the judges that you truly COMPLETED your product.

8 YOUR PRODUCT A well-developed Product should be something worthwhile for you to complete that will demonstrate what you learned while working with your Mentor. Examples: A student worked with a car repair and detailing specialist and repaired scratches and dents on the bumper of a Porsche, detailing the entire process. A student worked with an insurance broker and created a website to teach young adults about the importance of insurance and how it works. A student worked with an interior designer and built a portfolio on design ideas and samples for a hypothetical house he would renovate. A student worked with electricians on a construction job and helped run cable, demonstrating how to plot out the wiring and filmed himself using the tools of the trade in installing the (not connected to electricity yet) wiring. Your product does not have to be a physical thing, it can be an event or a detailed plan for something larger. This should be discussed with your mentor BEFORE you turn in your Proposal.

9 YOUR LEARNING STRETCH How is this an intellectual challenge for you?
You need to gain advanced knowledge in your chosen field. This must be a LEGITIMATE learning stretch for you. You will have to prove to the judges that you truly had a sincere and significant experience and that you learned something meaningful in the process.

How are you going to incorporate advanced technology in your project? What tools does your mentor use on the job? What technology is used to accomplish daily tasks? How will you demonstrate its use in your presentation?

11 TECHNOLOGY, cont. Try to find advanced technology to use.
You will have to show its use in your presentation (video, pictures, screenshots, bring it in, etc.) – Not just mention it. You must prove to the judges that it was a major component of your project.

12 YOUR MENTOR Who is your mentor? What qualifies him/her to be your mentor? What education or training have they had? Mentors should be experts in their field, have experience they can share, and be reliable!

YOUR TIMELINE DISCUSS THIS WITH YOUR MENTOR When will you and your mentor meet? How often will you meet? Where? How will you get there? You need 12 hours face-to-face with your mentor This is crucial to the realistic success of your project! Plan the details with your mentor now so you are not rushing at the end!

14 YOUR TIMELINE, cont. Meeting your mentor:
After school, evenings, weekends, holidays…you are going to have to make time for this project You can take 1 day (or 2 half days) from school – you MUST submit your request slip at least 1 WEEK prior to your planned absence or it will NOT be approved Things that might affect your project timeline: Does your mentor have any major time consuming issue in their life? (travel, pregnancy, big project at work, etc.) Do you have a job you need to work around? MAKE THIS PROJECT WORK! NO EXCUSES!

15 WHS STAFF APPROVAL Find 2 teachers at WHS who know you pretty well (coach, former teacher you got along with, administrator) Discuss your plan with them & ask for advice! If they think it is realistic and a true learning stretch for you, they will sign the form. Teachers MUST leave comments on the signature page Your 1st Signature MUST come from an ELA teacher who will review your Proposal for structural errors. We got you, fam. form must be finished and printed to get the signature ….some teachers will have quotas, so do it soon!


17 STAMP OF COMPLETION You are FINISHED with your Proposal when you have this red stamp on the top right corner of your rubric. You will also get stamps for when your Proposal is received by me, and when it is returned by the Grader. Each stamp will also have a date. Proposals without this stamp will not be accepted for final presentations.

If you lose the rubric at any time or change mentors, your entire grade will automatically begin in the next possible turn in date category. Any previous scores will not be considered if the rubric is lost or you change mentors – you will be starting over at the next lowest level. Be sure about your project & mentor before submitting Take a picture of your rubric!




22 September 3rd September 13th October 1st Deadlines:
Everything completed correctly by this date receives 20 points. Everything completed correctly by this date receives 15 points. Everything completed correctly by this date receives 10 points.

23 Questions? Concerns? Follow these steps IN ORDER!
1st Step: Talk to your ELA teacher! Do this early and often! 2nd Step: Talk to the teacher who graded your Proposal! Their name and room number are in the upper right hand corner of your Proposal! 3rd Step: Come find me! I’m in Room 209 and am available before school pretty much every day. You can also me at with questions

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