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Loading Rack PLC Breakers 10/14/2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Loading Rack PLC Breakers 10/14/2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Loading Rack PLC Breakers 10/14/2019

2 10/14/2019

3 Manual Crank Inside Cabinet Unlock 10/14/2019

4 Unlock Lift Cover To Manual Crank Access 10/14/2019

5 Pistol Grip Breaker 3 Phase Voltage Meter 10/14/2019

6 Main Office Breaker – Power Interruption
Blank Double Throw— Main 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Main Office Breaker – Power Interruption Following a power interruption – insure the following Breakers are Switched to the OFF position. Turn Off Leave ON Spare 10/14/2019

7 10/14/2019

8 Pistol Grip Breaker Voltage Meter 3 Phase 10/14/2019

9 10/14/2019

10 10/14/2019

11 10/14/2019

12 Loading Rack PLC Breakers 10/14/2019

13 10/14/2019

14 10/14/2019

15 Status Panel For UPS 10/14/2019

16 UPS Bypass Switch Switch to “LINE” if Low or No Power on UPS

17 10/14/2019

18 10/14/2019

19 10/14/2019

20 10/14/2019

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