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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up

2 Nonlegislative Powers

3 Constitutional Amendments and Electoral Duties
Congress may propose Amendments by 2/3 vote in both chambers 12th says no electoral majority house determines president Jefferson 1801, J.Q. Adams 1825 Senate choose V.P. if no majority voting as indiv members 25th if V.P. vacancy Pres nominates successor who is confirmed by Congress House votes by states

4 Impeachment House has power to impeach (bring charges) against any civil officer, Senate has power to convict/remove Impeachment requires majority vote, conviction requires 2/3 vote 17 impeachments (2 presidents), convictions (7 federal judges)

5 Johnson & Clinton Radical Republicans displaced with Johnson soft treatment of defeated South Johnson violated Tenure of Office Act which prompted veto House brought two articles (perjury, obstruction) against Clinton For “inappropriate relationship” Both Presidents acquitted, Johnson by one vote

6 Nixon Republicans operatives break into Watergate complex, home of Dem National HQ Probes found long list of illegal acts Three articles of impeachment brought Nixon resigned before trial Brought about era of public skepticism towards politics

7 Executive and Investigatory Powers
All major Pres appointments (i.e. Cabinet) confirmed by Senate majority vote “Senatorial Courtesy”, if Sen from Pres party of state impacted opposes appointment will not be approved President makes treaties, Senators (2/3 vote) approve or reject Has power to investigate any matter that falls in range of legislation duties Only 12 of 600+ not approved by senate

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