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This covers all but 7 of the 50 points

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1 This covers all but 7 of the 50 points
Jeopardy This covers all but 7 of the 50 points Click to begin.

2 Marriage Death Property Renting Insurance 100 Point 100 Point 100 Point 100 Point 100 Point 200 Points 200 Points 200 Points 200 Points 200 Points 300 Points 300 Points 300 Points 300 Points 300 Points 400 Points 400 Points 400 Points 400 Points 400 Points 500 Points 500 Points 500 Points 500 Points 500 Points

3 This contract helps property and other claims that result from a marriage

4 What is a Prenuptial Agreement

5 What is the youngest age you can get married in Michigan

6 What is 16

7 A court order that cancels a marriage because of a problem from the start

8 What is an Annulment

9 Marriage that is canceled due to a refusal to have children or some other fraudulent grounds

10 What is a Voidable marriage

11 Marriage considered invalid from the start

12 What is a Void Marriage

13 Legal expression by which a person directs how his or her property is to be distributed after death

14 What is a Will

15 Legal vehicle used to transfer the immediate control of property to another party or creating a separate legal entity for a person’s (dead or alive)property

16 What is a Trust

17 If someone dies without a will the case would be heard in which court

18 What is Probate Court

19 If there is no will and no inheritors what happens to the property

20 What is Reverts to the state Or Escheats

21 Document that explains what a person wants if they are unable to make their own decisions

22 Living Will or Health Care Directive
What is Living Will or Health Care Directive

23 Includes land, things permanently attached to land and certain rights to use the land

24 Attachments – such as Structures, Fixtures, Crops
What is Real Property or Land Includes: Land Rights Surface Rights Air Rights Mineral Rights Water Rights Attachments – such as Structures, Fixtures, Crops

25 This protects the expression of a creative work

26 What is Copy Right

27 Word, mark, symbol, or device that identifies a product, service, or company

28 What is a Trade or Service Mark

29 The right to dig or mine is known as

30 What is Mineral Rights

31 Power of government to take private property for public use in exchange for fair market value is known as

32 What is Eminent Domain

33 Contract allowing one to occupy or use the property of another

34 What is a Lease Be able to read a lease

35 Another name for the Landlord

36 Lessor

37 The lease is written to protect which individual

38 What is the Lessor / Landlord

39 Name 1 of the 3 duties a Lessee has

40 What is Pay Rent Take care of property Torts Duty

41 If someone gets hurt in your apartment, who is responsible

42 You are (or your renter’s insurance)
What is You are (or your renter’s insurance)

43 An attachment to an insurance policy for special items

44 What is a Rider / Ademdem

45 What you must pay to be insured

46 What is The Premium

47 Government forces you to get --- once you have a job

48 What is Social Insurance
Legally must have health insurance in 2014 and must have auto insurance if you drive

49 Insurance that protects against the cost of death

50 What is Life Insurance

51 Person who receives payout from insurance

52 Who is the Beneficiary

53 Final Jeopardy Make your wager

54 Name and explain 3 of the ways of acquiring ownership of personal property

55 What is Contract – Pay for item Gift – Given to you
Accession – Property increases Intellectual Labor – You create it Finding – Your own or no one claims Adverse Possession– Take possession that does not belong to anyone else Inheritance – Someone dies and leaves item to you REAL PROPRETY – Deed (buy or inherit), Adverse Possession, & Eminent Domain

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