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Antibiotics 4-H Challenge An Educational Supplement for the Level 2 LQA&E Lesson on Antibiotics By Sharon Davis and Shirley Doering Extension Educators.

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Presentation on theme: "Antibiotics 4-H Challenge An Educational Supplement for the Level 2 LQA&E Lesson on Antibiotics By Sharon Davis and Shirley Doering Extension Educators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Antibiotics 4-H Challenge An Educational Supplement for the Level 2 LQA&E Lesson on Antibiotics By Sharon Davis and Shirley Doering Extension Educators The University of Minnesota, including the Minnesota Extension, is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation.

2 Antibiotics 4-H Challenge 100 Acronyms 300 400 500 Feed Tags Good Management Practices 100 200 300 400 500 200 100 200 300 400 500 Delivery Systems 100 200 300 400 500 Record Keeping 100 200 300 400 500

3 Feed Tags 100 Quick Grow Feed Company Fat City, MN 55555

4 Feed Tags 100 Who was the manufacturer of the feed?

5 Feed Tags 200 Feed as the complete ration to hens laying eggs for human food. Provide fresh water at all times. Do not feed to cattle or other ruminants.

6 Feed Tags 200 What are Feeding Directions?

7 Feed Tags 300 For improved feed efficiency and increased egg production.

8 Feed Tags 300 What is the label claim? (all medicated feeds must state the purpose of the medication)

9 Feed Tags 400 MonensinMonensin Bacitracin ZincBacitracin Zinc CarbadoxCarbadox

10 Feed Tags 400 What are examples of antibiotics found in feeds?

11 Feed Tags 500 Increase rate of weight gainIncrease rate of weight gain Improve feed efficiencyImprove feed efficiency Increase carcass leannessIncrease carcass leanness

12 Feed Tags 500 What is Ractopamine? (also accept Paylean or Optiflex as Brand Name Products)

13 Acronyms for 100 USDA

14 Acronyms 100 What is United States Department of Agriculture?

15 Acronyms 200 FDA

16 What is Food and Drug Administration?

17 Acronyms 300 VCPR

18 What is Veterinary Client Patient Relationship?

19 Acronyms 400 CDC

20 What is Center for Disease Control?

21 Acronyms 500 FSIS

22 What is Food Safety and Inspection Service?

23 Good Management Practices 100 Biosecurity Plan

24 Good Management Practices 100 What is the plan to prevent disease from entering the herd/flock or reduce the risk of disease spreading from one infected animal to others?

25 Good Management Practices 200 Growth Promotant

26 Good Management Practices 200 What is the general term that defines products used to increase efficiency in meat and milk production?

27 Good Management Practices 300 Food Safety

28 Good Management Practices 300 What is the term that refers to production of high quality food products that are safe for human consumption?

29 Good Management Practices 400 BiologicalBiological ChemicalChemical PhysicalPhysical

30 Good Management Practices 400 What are the three types of potential food safety hazards in meat products?

31 Good Management Practices 500 Herd Health Management Plan

32 Good Management Practices 500 What is the individual producer/farm management plan that outlines the procedures that help maintain and improve the health of livestock? What is the individual producer/farm management plan that outlines the procedures that help maintain and improve the health of livestock?

33 Delivery Systems 100 FeedFeed WaterWater InjectionsInjections

34 Delivery Systems 100 What are methods of giving antibiotics to animals?

35 Delivery Systems 200 Antibiotic Residue

36 Delivery Systems 200 What is the material left in the animals system during the withdrawal period?

37 Delivery System 300 Therapeutic Level

38 Delivery Systems 300 What is the term used to describe antibiotics that are included in feed or water to treat an illness/ disease?

39 Delivery Systems 400 IM SQ IP IV IN

40 Delivery Systems 400 What are examples of routes for administration of antibiotics? IM – Intramuscular SQ – Subcutaneous IP – Intraperitoneal IV – Intravenous IN - Intranasal

41 Delivery Systems 500 Broad Spectrum Narrow Spectrum Limited Spectrum

42 Delivery Systems 500 What are the ranges of bacteria that are affected by an antibiotics action?

43 Record Keeping 100 Ear Notch Tattoo

44 Record Keeping 100 What are methods of identifying individual animals?

45 Record Keeping 200 Pen Number

46 Record Keeping 200 What is one method of identifying a group of animals who have received the same medication treatment?

47 Record Keeping 300 Paint Stick

48 Record Keeping 300 What is a temporary method to identify a medicated animal?

49 Record Keeping 400 TreatmentTreatment Animal IdAnimal Id ProductProduct AmountAmount RouteRoute Person giving treatmentPerson giving treatment Withdrawal timeWithdrawal time Date withdrawal completedDate withdrawal completed NotesNotes

50 Record Keeping 400 What is the information that should be recorded on barn/treatment records?

51 Record Keeping 500 3 years

52 Record Keeping 500 What is the minimum length of time FDA recommends you keep treatment records on animals fed medicated feeds or given other medications?

53 Sources of Information Livestock Quality Assurance and Ethics for Animal Science Projects – Level 2, 2009 Youth Pork Plus, Lesson 3, National Pork Board, 2008 Irwin, Smith, Ebako, Ensley, Griffen, Wholers, Guidelines for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics in Food Animals, Nebraska Neb Guide, G 1485 Schott, Lori and Weddingham, Brian, Antibiotic Use, Biosecurity, and Beef Quality Assurance, University of Minnesota Beef Home Study Course, Lesson 4, 2008 Ebner, Paul, Antiobiotic and Hormone Use in Livestock Production, Purdue University, Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center Webcast Series, 2008

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