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Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

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1 Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery
Thoracic surgery in Norway 2016 Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery Norwegian register for general thoracic surgery. Steinar Solberg, MD, PhD. Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Rikshospitalet, Norway

2 Summary, 2016 The number of general thoracic operations is stable – some 1500 per year. All eight hospitals have reported their operations for 2016. For the first year the number of thoracosopies (699) is higher than the thoracotomies (698). The number of mediastinoscpies is very low – 22 procedures in 2016. Surgery for lung cancer is increasing. 693 operations were reported. Of these 39 % were performed by thoracoscopic technique. No hospital in Norway can offer robotic technique in lung cancer surgery. All curative modalities in lung cancer treatment are increasing and some 40 % of the patients are now offered curative surgery, stereotacic radiation or chemo- radiotherapy. Very low mortality, both 30 and 90 days after surgery for lung cancer! Continuously increasing survival after 1, 2 and 5 years in both men and women diagnosed with lung cancer. Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

3 Number of general thoracic operations reported
Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

4 Number of operations per hospital per year
Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

5 Accesses used Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

6 Underlying diagnoses Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

7 Organ operated upon Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

8 Selected operations performed
Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

9 Number of operations for lung metastases performed annually
Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

10 Operations for lung cancer
Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

11 Number of operations for lung cancer per hospital per year
Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

12 Prosedures performed in operations for lung cancer
Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

13 The percentage of resections for lung cancer performed by
From the Cancer Registry of Norway, 2016 The percentage of resections for lung cancer performed by thoracoscopy (VATS)

14 The number (columns) and percentage (line) of operations for
lung cancer performed by VATS / thoracoscopic lobectomies Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

15 The percentage of patiens beeing females in surgery for lung cancer
Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

16 Median (min – max) age for patients operated
for lung cancer 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Females 66 (19-87) 67 (30-85) (8-85) 68 (36-86) 69 (19-84) Males (20-84) (37-85) (43-86) (31-89) (9-86) Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

17 The age distribution in 6852 patients
operated for lung cancer Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

18 The number (columns) and percentage (line) of patients
operated for lung cancer beeing 80 years or older Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

19 Location of tumor in 6190 operations for lung cancer 2003-2016
1960 (32 %) 1620 (26 %) 375 (6 %) 1207 (19 %) 1028 (17 %) 3542 (57 %) 2648 (43 %)

20 The Cancer Registry of Norway
Improved survival after 1, 2 and 5 years in the whole group of lung cancer patients. The Cancer Registry of Norway Norwegian Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery

21 From the Cancer Registry of Norway, 2016
The stage distribution, based on pTNM for the patients operated for lung cancer

22 The percentage of the patients operated, with cN2 – known
From the Cancer Registry of Norway, 2016 The percentage of the patients operated, with cN2 – known spread of cancer to one or more regional lymph node(s) before surgery.

23 The percentage of the patients
From the Cancer Registry of Norway, 2016 The percentage of the patients diagnosed with lung cancer that has been operated.

24 The percentage of the patients
From the Cancer Registry of Norway, 2016* The percentage of the patients diagnosed with lung cancer that has been treated with intention to cure – eg: Surgery: 21% Stereotactic radiation: 8 % Chemo-radiation: 8 % TOTAL: 37 % !! *The figures given are from 2015.

25 surgery for lung cancer
From the Cancer Registry of Norway, 2016 30 days mortality after surgery for lung cancer

26 surgery for lung cancer
From the Cancer Registry of Norway, 2016 90 days mortality after surgery for lung cancer

27 T A K K

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