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Northern Water East Slope of Rocky Mountains in northeastern Colorado 1.6 million acres (652,000 ha) in eight counties Contracting entity for.

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3 Northern Water East Slope of Rocky Mountains in northeastern Colorado
1.6 million acres (652,000 ha) in eight counties Contracting entity for repayment of irrigation component of Colorado – Big Thompson (C-BT) Project

4 Colorado – Big Thompson Project
$160 million construction cost 12 reservoirs/lakes 3 pumping plants 7 hydro-electric power plants 99 miles (160 km) of canals 640,000 irrigated acres (259,000 ha) 220,000 ac-ft (270 m3 x106) average annual deliveries $370 million/year agricultural production 721,000 population

5 Northern Water’s Weather Station Network
Mark Crookston June Caves Tim Lynch Mary Hattendorf

6 Weather Station Network
Provides weather & crop water use information throughout service area 21 automated stations – 19 on eastern plains, 2 on west slope at high elev Solar powered CDMA modems: presently downloaded hourly, moving to more frequent Station sites carefully selected –in alfalfa fields or large turf areas Air temperature, relative humidity, rain/precipitation, wind speed/direction, solar radiation & soil temperature Every sensor serviced & calibrated at least annually

7 Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District Weather Station Network
Provides crop water use information for northeastern Colorado

8 ET Reference ASCE Standardized Penman-Monteith equation
Hourly calculations: ETrs for alfalfa & ETos for turf grass Daily (available now), weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly data aggregations available via web (soon). ETrs is factored using coefficients based on crop growth stages for all major crops grown in the area

9 Where are the Data? Internet Call Center
weather, ET & maps Internet local (NoCoH2O) toll-free Call Center



12 Map is not selectable. All data selected is default
Map is not selectable. All data selected is default. Data and station selections ‘stick’ on next visit.




16 16 crops--



19 Web Enhancements Web services Charting New time aggregations Weekly
Monthly Quarterly Annual

20 Web Services REST services
Representational State—can represent what you want in a URL Much simpler than some protocols Get away from s and ftp transfers NW web services modeled on USGS REST services Helps a client configure a data transfer Designed for client to server automated data transfers

21 Web Services

22 Web Services

23 Web Services

24 Web Services

25 Web Services Need some programming/configuration at client end to take advantage of web services— data are delivered in XML format Builds URL from the information selected in the previous screens Users need an account (free) Notifications in case of problems Must read our Data Policy Track activity--in case a client job overwhelms our servers, we can shut a job down https site—secure data transfer

26 Web Services Two date styles Relative (last 30 days, last 7 days, etc)
Exact date range Northern may limit data and date requests to avoid server overload Web services should be done sometime this week

27 Data Aggregations Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annual

28 Historical Data Currently data are from present to 2008
As QAQC progresses, more years of data will be available via the web interface

29 Period of Record

30 Charting Y1 and Y2 axes Plot like units on each axis
Coming in the next few weeks Y1 and Y2 axes Plot like units on each axis Multiple variables per station Berthoud Y1 = Air temperature and Dewpoint T Berthoud Y2 = Solar radiation Multiple stations per variable Berthoud, Fort Collins, and Boulder air temperatures All data aggregations available

31 Crop Water Use Reports Still in old text format
2012--database driven—GDD based crop curves Troubleshooting and adjusting this year Crop report enhancements—coming year? Interactive Field-specific customization Irrigation budget Crop types & maturity Soil data Irrigation method

32 Turf Water Use Reports 2012-enhanced report Range of DU & precipitation rates Supply suggested sprinkler run-times Goal is to provide better guidance and education urban lawn irrigation Interactive run-time scheduler pending this year? Next year?

33 Northern Water Weather Station Network
In May 2010, the Boulder Flatirons and Boulder East weather station were dropped from the network Stations owned by City of Boulder Instruments and Campbell logger were obsolete Station sites compromised

34 Boulder East Prairie dogs No irrigation No green fetch

35 Boulder Flatiron Distance from tall trees inadequate
Tree casting a shadow over the station

36 Sensor Calibration Every sensor checked & calibrated every year
Air Temperature Relative Humidity Rain – tipping bucket gauge Precipitation – weighing bucket gauge Wind Speed Wind Direction Solar Radiation Soil Temperature

37 Stations Moved

38 Brush Move

39 Crook Move

40 Eaton Move

41 Longmont West Move

42 Ovid Moves

43 Sterling Move

44 Wiggins Move

45 New Weather Stations West slope Shadow Mountain Reservoir Lake Granby
Support water quality modeling

46 Shadow Mountain Res No heated tipping bucket yet 3-D sonic anemometer
Shadow Mountain Dam No heated tipping bucket yet 3-D sonic anemometer R.M. Young 81000 Resolve vertical wind gradients R.M. Young Wind Monitor, Alpine version 10 m

47 Lake Granby Site Installation 2012 10 m Site near Farr Pump Plant

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