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Medill Elementary School 2nd Grade 2011

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1 Medill Elementary School 2nd Grade 2011
Ohio Animals Medill Elementary School 2nd Grade 2011

2 Bald Eagle A bald eagle eats fish and small mammals.
A bald eagle is a predator because he eats animals. A bald eagle is a threatened species in Ohio. By: Benjamin

3 Red Squirrel It eats seeds, nuts, eggs, and fungi.
Red squirrels are a prey. Young red squirrels breed from April to May. By: Briana

4 Bull Frog A bull frog lives in Ohio ponds. A bull frog eats crayfish.
A bull frog gets up to 3.5 inches long. By: Carington

5 Wood Frog It lives in a pond. It eats small invertebrates.
The length can be 1.5 to 2.75 inches long. By: Cody

6 Spotted Bass It is a predator. It can reach 21 inches in length.
Spotted bass have a fairly large mouth that extends to their eyes. By: Colin

7 Red Spotted Newt The red spotted newt is a prey.
The red spotted newt is 3 to 4 inches long. The aquatic adult red spotted newt is yellowish brown. By; Colton

8 Spotted Salamander When the spotted salamander is young it has yellow dots and when it gets old it has orange dots. The spotted salamander can by found in Ohio woodlands. The spotted salamander grows up to 6 to7 inches long. By: Dalton

9 Muskrat Muskrats live in a lodge.
Muskrats are 16 to 20 inches long including their tail. Muskrats are sometimes called mud cats. By: Dylan

10 Ladybug These insects can live pretty much anywhere.
Female ladybugs lay batches of 20 to 50 tiny yellow eggs. Ladybugs have a dome-shaped body and white spots on either side of its head. By: Emily

11 Garter Snake It eats earthworms and amphibians.
It gets to be inches long. The eastern garter snake eats its prey alive and whole. By: Faith

12 Raccoons The raccoon prefers to live in wooded areas with big trees and lots of water. It eats berries, acorns, baby birds, frogs, and fish. It can get up to 15 pounds. By: Gabriella

13 Barn Owl A barn owl lives in old fields and grasslands.
It can grow to be 13 to 15 inches tall. It eats small birds. By: Gannon

14 Blue Jay It can be found in the oak woods.
The blue jay has a blue head and a white stomach. They can lay 3-6 eggs! By: Isaac

15 Coyote Coyotes find a home almost anywhere.
Coyotes eat shrews, rabbits, mice, vegetables, nuts, and carrion. Coyotes are two feet tall and are between 41 to 53 inches long. By: Julie

16 Rabbit It lives in thickets or brush areas.
They eat raspberries and blackberries Young are born in early March. By: Kate

17 Red Fox It eats mice, rats, rabbits, groundhogs, and other small mammals. It gets up to be 16 inches long. It is a predator. By: Keaton

18 Monarch Butterfly A monarch butterfly lives in Mexico and Ohio.
A monarch butterfly eats milkweed. A monarch butterfly can be found in all 88 Ohio counties. By: Kerri

19 White-Tailed Deer It eats fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
It can weigh between 125 and 300 pounds. The antlers are real bone. By: QuShaunda

20 Black Bear It eats fruits, grasses, and meat.
It can weigh between 150 and 700 pounds. They are born sightless. By: Ryan

21 House Mouse A house mouse lives in buildings.
A house mouse eats insects and meat. The house mouse is a small, gray-brown mouse. By: Styles

22 Bobcat It eats rabbits and rodents.
It can be found in wooded eastern south Ohio. It looks like a regular cat. By: Jadon

23 Wild Turkey It eat crops. It lays 16 eggs.
The turkey lives in woodlands. By. Adam

24 Bobcat The bobcat litters are from 1 to 6 kittens.
The bobcat eats insects, reptiles, fish, birds, and other mammals. By: Aidan

25 Cardinal The cardinal is Ohio’s state bird.
The can be hunted and they can hunt. The cardinal eats seeds and some insects. By: Blake

26 Wood Frog The wood frog can grow to be 1.5-75 inches.
The wood frog can hibernate on land. A wood frog can be found in a pond. By: Brooklyn

27 Spotted Salamander The spotted salamander lives under ground.
They eat tiny creatures. They can be inches in length. By: Connor

28 Coyote The coyote can be found moving place to place.
It eats small mammals, shrews, rabbits, mice, vegetables, nuts, and carrion. It gets forty-one to fifty-three inches long and twentyfive pounds. . By: Damon

29 Mourning Dove A mourning dove has green and pink on his neck.
A mourning dove is a prey. They live near rural and suburban residences nesting in shrubbery and shade trees. By: Danielle

30 Cottontail Rabbit The cottontail rabbit eats clover and dandelions.
The cottontail rabbit is prey. It has a brownish-gray body, long ears, and a small white tuft of a tail that resembles a cotton ball. By Danie

31 Red Fox A red fox lives in North America.
The red fox is a predator. It eats rabbits, groundhogs, and mice. The red fox young are born in February or April. By: David

32 Barn Owl A barn owls depend on open grass land to hunt.
A barn owl eats mice and other small rodents. A barn owl is a predator and it gets inches tall. By Destiny

33 Spotted Bass Spotted bass live in long deep pools of medium to large streams. It gets to about inches and can reach to 21 inches or 1 pound. It feeds on crayfish and other small fish. By: Dylan

34 Blue Jay A blue jay is part of the crow family.
A blue jay eats a lot of things like nuts, seeds, insects, mice and frogs. A blue jay has bright blue on top and white underneath. By: Faith

35 Garter Snake A garter snake eats earth worms and amphibans .
A garter snake is a predator. Garter snakes young emerge from the mother. By Joey

36 Bald Eagle The bald eagle can be found in small concentrations throughout the U.S. The bald eagle mostly fish, will also feed upon water fowl, small mammals and carrion. The young bald eagles feathers change colors when they molt at about 4 to 5 years of age. By: Julia

37 Turkey Vulture A turkey vulture eats carrion.
The turkey vulture is a big black bird with blue feathers, a red head and a white beak. Turkey vultures also have a sense of smell, rare in the bird kingdom, which helps them locate their next meal. By: Kaitlen

38 Skunk A skunk is a predator.
The skunk can have young which are born pink-skinned and blind. It lives in Ohio habitats from rural areas to the suburbs. By: Kaitlyn

39 Raccoon Raccoons can be found In places that have food and shelter.
Raccoons are predators. Raccoons that are just born don’t open there eyes for 19 days. By: Nathen

40 Bull Frog The bull frog is a predator. It eats mice, crayfish, insects, and also other frogs. The bull frog lives in Ohio ponds. Female bull frogs have ear drums the size of there heads. By Mackenzie

41 Red Squirrel The red squirrel is found in evergreen and mixed forests.
The red squirrel eats seeds, nuts, eggs, and fungi. The red squirrel has a yellowish-reddish coat and a white belly and also it has a very bushy tail. By: Mekayla

42 The Big Brown Bat The big brown bat eats beetles moths and stink bugs.
It is likely the second most abundant species of bat in the state. During the winter it lives in caves and mines. By: Nehemiah

43 Monarch Butterfly Hundreds of thousands of monarchs migrate to Mexico in the fall. The monarch larvae feed on various milkweeds Monarch butterfly’s wings are 3-4 inches. By: Skylar

44 White-tail deer A white-tail deer lives in the united states.
A white-tail deer is prey to other animals . White-tail deer are active around the clock. By: Tommy

45 Black Bear Black bears can be found in South Central and Southeastern Ohio. It can weigh between 150 and 700 pounds. Black bears are born sightless. By: Zach

46 Monarch Butterfly Monarch butterflies eat milkweed.
They are a predator. The wings can get 3-4 inches long. By: Addilyn

47 Skunk Skunks get 22-32 inches long. It eats small fish and nuts.
It is found in old fields, farms, and suburban areas. By: Austin

48 Bald Eagle Bald eagles can be found throughout the U.S.A.
Young bald eagles don’t look like bald eagles. They are almost all brown from head to tail. They are predators. By: Brian

49 Black Bear On all fours, a black bear gets up to 2 or 3 feet tall at the shoulder. They eat meat and grasses. Black bears have been known to travel as far as 125 miles. By: Bryson

50 Red Fox The red fox eats rabbits and rats.
It lives in the woods and the open field. It gets 22 to 30 inches and 8 to 15 pounds. By: Camron

51 Blue Jay The blue jay’s habitats are oak woods, city parks, and wooded suburban areas. They eat nuts, seeds, insects, mice, and frogs. The loud screams of the blue jay acts as an alarm system. By: Chloe

52 Bobcat Bobcats like to eat insects, reptiles, amphibians,fish, birds, and mammals. They are rare in Ohio and they prefer woodlands. They are listed as an endangered species. By: Faith

53 Northern Cardinal Northern cardinals do not migrate south.
They eat mostly seeds and some bugs. Cardinals are Ohio’s state bird. By: Hannah

54 Coyote Coyotes eat small mammals, livestock, and rabbits.
Coyotes are one half to two feet tall and between 41 to 53 inches in length. Coyotes are nocturnal. They sleep in the day and hunt at night. By: Jadyn

55 Mourning Dove Mourning doves nest in shrubby and shade trees.
They eat seeds. They are a brownish color with dark gray wings. By: Kaity

56 Woodland Jumping Mouse
A woodland jumping mouse can be found in bushy areas near water. It can jump as high as two feet. It eats seeds, fruit, and fungi. By: Kayla

57 Red Spotted Newt A red spotted newt can be found by the mud by the water. It eats insects and fish. It grows to 3-4 inches long. By: Lauren

58 Raccoon Raccoon's favorite foods are berries, acorns, baby birds, frogs, and fish. Raccoons are normally gray or black in color with pale gray coloring. Their little feet resemble the handprints and foot prints of people. By: Malina

59 Wood Frog Wood frogs live on land. It eats small invertebrates.
It grows to about 1-3 inches long. By: Moyra

60 Bull Frog Bull frogs eat insects, mice, crayfish, and other frogs.
It can be found in a forest. Females have eardrums the size of their eyes By: Skylar

61 White-Tailed Deer White-tailed deer eat leaves and grasses.
Babies are born in the middle of May though July. Deer can be found in woods. By: TREVOR

62 Largemouth Bass A wide mouth bass lives in nearly every lake.
It is green, brown and white with a big mouth. They grow to about inches long. By: Will

63 Spotted Salamander Spotted salamanders live in creeks. They have dots.
They make tunnels under ground. By: Zach

64 Cottontail Rabbit Cottontail rabbits can be found in fields with tall grass. They eat raspberries, blackberries, and corn. The cottontail rabbit is one of the most common wild life species in the state of Ohio. By: Zarrah

65 Raccoons Raccoons can be found in places that have food and shelter.
Raccoons are predators. Raccoons that are just born don’t open there eyes for 19 days. By: Nathen

66 Bibliography "Ohio State Parks - Nature Things Archive." Ohio Department of Natural Resources - Camping, Boating, Fishing, Hunting, Biking, Hiking in Ohio. Web. 19 May < "Species Guide Index." Ohio Department of Natural Resources - Camping, Boating, Fishing, Hunting, Biking, Hiking in Ohio. Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Web. 19 May <

67 Message from the Staff The second grade students started this project with internet research. They located facts and photos of their animal. Each student took notes from the internet. They worked in Language Arts and wrote the facts in sentence form. They then created their slide using a template. All of the students did their own typing, copied and pasted their photo, chose their own background color and learned to animate their slide. Congratulations on a job well done! You worked hard and it shows.

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