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Jeopardy! Begin.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy! Begin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy! Begin

2 The 50’s Rigths Ike Hot, Hot Over There Review $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 The 50’s - $100 Ike’s idea to deal with people in “liberal” human terms & to deal with money in conservative terms was called? C1-$100 The bland leading the bland

4 The 50’s - $200 Ike’s most outstanding accomplishment (Arguably)?
The Interstate Freeway System

5 The 50’s - $300 These labor organizations merged in 1955?
C1-$300 AFL-CIO

6 The 50’s - $400 Ike’s Secretary of State – He probably ran the government in Ike’s 2nd term?
John Foster Dulles

7 The 50’s - $500 The contenders for the Presidency in 1960 and their parties?
Richard Nixon – Rep. John F. Kennedy – Dem.

8 Rigths - $100 This dominated Blacks in the South everyday of their lives?
Jim Crowe Laws

9 Rigths - $200 She sat in a “whites” only section of a bus in 1955 that showed the absurdity of segregation? C2-$200 Rosa Parks

10 Rigths - $300 The Montgomery boycott thrust this Black minister into the Civil Rights limelight?
Martin Luther King Jr.

11 Rigths - $400 Brown vs Board of Education decision was the result of this Court?
Warren Court

12 Rigths - $500 The first Civil Rights Act was passed in response to this?
Integration of the Little Rock Public Schools

13 Ike - $100 Truman’s clash with ____ about Korea, created problems for the Dems. And allowed Ike an opportunity? C3-$100 Douglas MacArthur

14 Ike - $200 The Reps. Chose Ike an authentic war hero as their candidate. Who was his running mate?
Richard M. Nixon

15 Ike - $300 What was Ike’s “last minute pledge” that got him elected?
To personally go to Korea to end the war

16 Ike - $400 What did Ike finally do to end the war?
C3-$400 Threaten to drop an atomic bomb

17 Ike - $500 This communist chaser flourished in the Cold War atmosphere of fear & suspicion?
Joe McCarthy

18 Hot, Hot, Hot - $100 This led the U. S
Hot, Hot, Hot - $100 This led the U.S. to a full fledged space program with more emphasis on math & science in schools? C4-$100 Sputnik

19 Hot, Hot, Hot - $200 This incident deep with Russia caused the Cold War to “heat” up?
U-2 Incident Gary Powers

20 Hot, Hot, Hot - $300 This new Presidente of Cuba in 1959, denounced the U.S. for imperialistic slavery? C3-$300 Fidel Castro

21 Hot, Hot, Hot - $400 Rock & Roll became “hot” in the 50’s because of this man??
The King, Elvis Presley

22 Hot, Hot, Hot - $500 These students began to change American culture and politics in the late 50’s?
The New Left

23 Over There - $100 This Part of the French colonial empire was crumbling due to his leadership, but the U.S. kept giving France money to fight him. Who was he?. C4-$100 Ho Chi Minh (Uncle Ho)

24 Over There - $200 How did the French get out of Vietnam?
The country was partitioned in half. Free elections were to follow

25 Over There - $300 The So. Vietnamese leader “sucked and sucked” money from the U.S. to fight the Communist north? C4-$300 Ngo Dinh Diem

26 Over There - $400 He became Soviet leader after Stalin died?
Nikita Krushchev

27 Sent Warsaw Pact Troops (The butchers of Budapest) Nothing
Over There - $500 When the Hungarians revolted against Soviet rule, what did the Russians do? The U.S.? C4-$500 Sent Warsaw Pact Troops (The butchers of Budapest) Nothing

28 Review - $100 Name the 2 leaders of the Nullies?
C4-$100 Calhoun and Haynes

29 Review - $200 Who lead the fight against Jackson to recharter the Bank of the US?
Henry Clay

30 National Conventions to select Presidential candidates
Review - $300 Name a political innovation that accompanied the election of 1832? C4-$300 National Conventions to select Presidential candidates

31 Review - $400 The name for Jackson’s decree that all land had to be purchased with hard or “metallic” money? C4-$400 Specie circular

32 Review - $500 What happened to the U.S. economy in 1835?
The national debt was liquidated

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