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A great way to learn concepts about Life Science (C.S. 3.1; 3.2; 4.3)

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Presentation on theme: "A great way to learn concepts about Life Science (C.S. 3.1; 3.2; 4.3)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A great way to learn concepts about Life Science (C.S. 3.1; 3.2; 4.3)

2 Clownfish Nemo & Marlin belong to one of about 27 species of clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) They are small and brightly colored Clownfish are often sheltered by an anemone with whom they have a symbiotic relationship

3 Facts Humans actually take them for their saltwater aquariums because they are so beautiful They are omnivores. They feed on small invertebrates that might harm the anemones. They also survive on the leftovers of sea anemones' food which include other fish and shrimp. Other than that, they feed on algae, plankton and mollusks

4 Symbiotic relationships A close, longterm relationship between two or more different species. The living together of unlike organisms

5 They help each other The clownfish eat leftovers from fish consumed by anemone, planktonic crustaceans, and algae Clownfish also eat the dead tentacles of their host anemone The anemone provides protection & a home for the fish

6 Clownfish eggs Did you notice how many eggs Marlin & Coral had in the nest? Eggs are usually laid in large batches Usually near and sometimes within the host anemone The large number ensures that at least a few of the species will survive How many offspring survived from Marlin & Coral?

7 Reproducing so many eggs is a species survival strategy Animals that usually have a high egg production count usually have a MANY predators feeding on their young as an easy meal Some species of Sea turtles lay over 300 eggs to only have a few survive

8 Each egg has its own genetic code-

9 Some amphibians lay tens of thousands of eggs So the more eggs a species lays- the better chance of survival for their young and their gene pool to be diverse The more diverse a species- the better chance of its survival if current conditions change

10 Dispersal Having many young and dispersing them over a wide area so that some will survive to carry on the species

11 Nemos stripes We call this a disruptive pattern in Science. It breaks up the outline of a fish and makes it harder for predators to see it

12 Weird fact! All clownfish are born males but can later change into a female fish, in order to spawn. When a female in the shoal dies, the most dominant male takes its place by changing its sex.

13 Pacific Blue Tang


15 Paracanthurus hepatus A member of the surgeonfish family They were given this name because they actually have sharp, moveable spines on both sides of their tails that were thought to resemble surgeon scalpels

16 They eat only algae

17 Loggerhead Sea Turtles They can reach over 1000 pounds General lifespan of 30 to 50 years for most

18 Tons of eggs…….. Loggerheads eggs are laid throughout the summer in shallow pits dug in open beaches After laying the eggs females cover them with sand and leaves

19 Innate sense of home They travel the breadth of the Pacific Ocean Travel along the ocean currents

20 A threatened species Drown in fish nets Raccoons, cats, dogs, & other land animals prey on their eggs Human land development harms them by taking away the beaches and confusing the innate directional signals of the hatchlings

21 Mr. Johansen

22 Camoflauge! Any physical feature that allows an animal to blend into its environment

23 Corals are also predators that sit still and wait for their prey They have tentacles that have poison that kills or injures its prey and draws it into the corals mouth

24 There are as many different strategies for catching prey as there are predators in the ocean

25 Eyespots Markings on various body parts that look like eyes which take attention away from the fishs head

26 Predators Adaptations to be successful camouflage sight hearing smell Can you think of others? They must also have a source of prey

27 Prey Adaptations chemical combat camouflage speed trickery (false features & mimicry)

28 How does a predator help the species of prey? Killing the sick animals Picking off the injured Thins the population More food for the healthy animals

29 Darwinism Why is Marlin so protective of Nemo in the movie? What is wrong with Nemo? Why? How does this relate to the theory of natural selection we have learned about in class?

30 Charlotte Trotter Vian Middle School 8 th Grade Life Science

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