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Decision tree.

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Presentation on theme: "Decision tree."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decision tree

2 Decision tree Objectives Understand that decision making is not something that can be generalized and it is very context specific What questions do you need to ask yourself to be sure that you are making the right decision?

3 Decision tree Decission tree The purpose of a decision tree is to guide our humanitarian response based on multiple observations to draw logical conclusion for designing response programmes Imagine that you are given some prevalence data of malnutrition in your country and they ask you to explain the differences observed over time Work in groups to build your own decision tree

4 Remember from day one.

5 Decision tree Key questions First: list the key questions you need to answer before making a decision Think about different populations Additional data and external factors Seasonality Fluctuations Second: list the resources you need to answer the questions

6 Decision tree Put all your questions in order.
Do you have the data to answer all your questions? What happens of you don´t? Do you need to conduct further investigations? Build your own decision tree and share with the rest Think about yout own context. How is the situation in your country?

7 Don´t think about a classic tree

8 Use a format that works for you
Be creative

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