PCM1: Introduction to Integrative Medicine

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Presentation on theme: "PCM1: Introduction to Integrative Medicine"— Presentation transcript:

1 PCM1: Introduction to Integrative Medicine
Eugene Lee, MD, RYT Assistant Professor Loyola Department of Family Medicine

2 Objectives Define and differentiate Integrative Medicine from Complementary and/or Alternative Recognize the approach of Integrative Medicine Discuss the impact of Integrative Medicine on society and in medicine Learn some skills for yourself Derive Enjoyment at least once in the next hour

3 Outline Define Integrative Medicine
Application of Integrative Medicine Fundamentals of recommending a technique or product Effects of Integrative Medicine in Medicine Social Implications and Challenges

4 Definitions: Old terminology
Alternative Medicine: “instead of” Complementary Medicine: “in addition to”

5 Defining Terms: Current terminology
“Integrative Medicine and Health reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic and lifestyle approaches, healthcare professionals and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing.” Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine & Health

6 What does Integrative Medicine Include?
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH): Whole Medicine Systems Mind-Body Medicine Biologically Based Practices Manipulative and Body Therapies Energy Therapies

7 1: Whole Medical Systems
Homeopathy Naturopathy Traditional Chinese medicine Ayurveda Shamanism More

8 2: Mind-Body Medicine Meditation Prayer Art/dance/music therapy
Hypnosis / Guided imagery Biofeedback Yoga Cognitive-behavioral therapy Journaling More

9 3: Biologically Based Practices
Dietary supplements (vitamin and minerals) Herbal/animal supplements Probiotics

10 4: Manipulative and Body-Based Practices
Spinal manipulation (both chiropractic and osteopathic) Craniosacral therapy Massage Rolfing Zero Balancing Trauma Releasing Exercises More

11 5: Energy Therapies Qigong Reiki Therapeutic touch Healing Touch
Quantum Touch Electromagnetic therapy More

12 Recent NCCIH Taxonomy 2 subgroups
Natural Products – biological based practices Mind and Body Practices – mind body medicine + manipulative therapies Recognizes “Other Health Approaches” – Whole Medical Systems + Energy therapies

13 POP QUIZ! Everyone take out a piece of paper and number it 1-10.

14 Mind Body Exploration - Breathwork
Diaphragmatic Breathing

15 Breath work 4-7-8 breathing

16 Outline Define Integrative Medicine
Application of Integrative Medicine Fundamentals of recommending a technique or product Effects of Integrative Medicine in Medicine Social Implications and Challenges

17 Options available in Integrative Care

18 What is an integrative approach?
The VA example - Whole Health

19 Whole Health/Integrative Medicine addresses 70%
Health Care alone = 10% Whole Health/Integrative Medicine addresses 70% Sandra Braunstein, and Risa Lavizzo-Mourey 2011

20 Maximizing the Mind-Body Connection

21 The Good (Placebo), the Bad (Nocebo), the Ugly (Lying?)
Ted Kaptchuk – Harvard Researcher who does open label placebo research Kam-Hansen S, Jakubowski M, et.al. “Altered placebo and drug labeling changes the outcome of episodic migraine attacks.” Science Translational Medicine Jan 8;6(218):218ra5

22 The Power of You Rakel DP, Hoeft TJ, et.al. Practitioner empathy and the duration of the common cold. Family Medicine Jul-Aug;41(7): A empathetic clinician correlated with 1 day shorter cold duration and less severe symptoms.

23 Outline Define Integrative Medicine
Application of Integrative Medicine Fundamentals of recommending a technique or product Effects of Integrative Medicine in Medicine Social Implications and Challenges

24 ECHO Efficacy Cost Harm Opinion

25 Experiential: Body awareness

26 Why care about integrative medicine?
Define Integrative Medicine Application of Integrative Medicine Fundamentals of recommending a technique or product Effects of Integrative Medicine in Medicine Social Implications and Challenges

27 Use of Health Care <- Petterson, et.al Jan 2018

28 Most recent Blood Pressure Treatment Guidelines ->
Integrative Medicine Becomes Standard of Care Medicine Most recent Blood Pressure Treatment Guidelines -> When did the American Heart Association add “lifestyle habits” and “nonpharmacological therapies” to the Guidelines?

29 In 2017, about 1 out of every 8 people you meet do yoga and meditation


31 Difficult to treat conditions via traditional medical models seem to respond well.

32 Resources to learn about Integrative Medicine
Integrated Medicine for the Underserved (IM4US) Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine and Health VA: Whole Health University of Wisconsin Integrative Health Program University of Arizona: Center for Integrative Medicine National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

33 Outline Define Integrative Medicine
Application of Integrative Medicine Fundamentals of recommending a technique or product Effects of Integrative Medicine in Medicine Social Implications and Challenges

34 Good Research Barriers

35 Is there anything wrong with these photos?

36 Experiential

37 Resources www.fammed.wisc.edu/integrative
tinyurl.com/uwmindfulpodcast VA website Natural Standards Database Consumerlab.com tinyurl.com/KPHealthJourneys

38 References Petterson S, McNellis R, Klink K, Meyers D, Bazemore A. The State of Primary Care in the United States: A Chartbook of Facts and Statistics. January 2018.

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