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Created by Janice Pickett, Bibb County School System

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1 Created by Janice Pickett, Bibb County School System
Animal Kingdom Facts The Vertebrates SB3: Students will derive the relationship between single-celled and multi-celled organisms and the increasing complexity of systems b. Compare how the structures and function vary between the six kingdoms (This PowerPoint only looks at the Animal Kingdom and the various structures and functions found amongst vertebrates.) Created by Janice Pickett, Bibb County School System

2 Animals with a backbone are called vertebrates.

3 Vertebrate animals are smart. They have brains.

4 Vertebrate animals have muscles and a skeleton.

5 Birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals are called vertebrates.

6 2 Vertebrates can be divided into 2 groups: Warm-Blooded and Cold-Blooded animals.

7 Some vertebrates are warm-blooded.
Their temperature stays the same in hot or cold weather.

8 Mammals and birds are warm-blooded.
Some warm-blooded animals have hair, fur, or feathers.

9 Some vertebrates are cold-blooded.
Their temperature changes depending on the weather.

10 Amphibians, fish, and reptiles are cold-blooded.
Some cold-blooded animals have scales or shells.

11 Some vertebrates give birth to their young and feed their babies mother’s milk.

12 Mammals give birth and produce milk.

13 Some vertebrates lay eggs.

14 The female bird lays eggs and the young hatch from these eggs.

15 Birds have wings and feathers.

16 The largest bird is the African Ostrich.

17 Reptiles are snakes, turtles, and alligators.

18 Most reptiles lay eggs.

19 Young reptiles hatch fully grown from the eggs and take care of themselves.

20 Reptiles usually have scales.

21 The longest reptile is the Australian Saltwater Crocodile.
It can grow to 23 feet in length.

22 Fish live in water.

23 Fish lay eggs.

24 Fish use gills to breathe.

25 The largest fish is the Whale Shark.
It can grow to 40 feet in length.

26 Mammals give birth and produce milk.

27 Human beings are mammals.

28 Mammals live on land or in the ocean.

29 The tallest land mammal is the giraffe.
Giraffes can grow up to 18 feet in height.

30 The largest sea mammal is the blue whale. The blue whale lives in ocean.
The blue whale can be from 75 – 100 feet long!

31 Amphibians are frogs, toads, and salamanders.

32 Amphibians lay eggs.

33 Amphibians live in two places. They live in the water and on land.

34 Frogs are amphibians. Frogs swim in the water and hop on land.
Frogs have moist skin and sticky tongues!

35 The largest amphibian is the Japanese Giant Salamander
It can grow to 6 feet in length.

36 Vertebrates Vertebrates are animals with a backbone.
Some are warm blooded. Some are cold blooded. Some live on land. Some live in water. Some lay eggs. Some give birth to live young.

37 Vertebrates Birds are warm blooded and lay eggs.
Reptiles are cold blooded and lay eggs. Fish are cold blooded and lay eggs and live in water. Amphibians are cold blooded and lay eggs and live on land and in the water. Mammals are warm blooded and give birth and live on land and in the water.

38 Questions Read the question. Choose the best answer.

39 Vertebrate animals have…..
# 1 Web feet Backbones Green hair Vertebrate animals have…..

40 # 2 Warm-blooded and cold-blooded Flying and crawling Tall and short animals Vertebrate animals can be divided into 2 groups.

41 # 3 Vertebrate animals live…
Only on land b. Only on water c. On land and on water # 3 Vertebrate animals live…

42 #4 Giving birth Laying eggs Hugging their babies Birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians produce young by

43 #5 Can move the fastest Live on land and in water Have brains Vertebrates are the smartest animals because they

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