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On Christmas Night All Christians Sing

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1 On Christmas Night All Christians Sing
A Collection of Lutheran Music ‘Christian Worship’ Edition Hymn #52 On Christmas Night All Christians Sing Text: English carol SUSSEX CAROL Tune: Ralph V. Williams, PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler

2 #52 - On Christmas Night All Christians Sing
[1] On ********* ***** *** ********** sing To **** *** **** *** ****** bring; On ********* ***** *** ********** sing To **** *** **** *** ****** bring, News ** ***** ***, **** ** ***** mirth, News ** *** ******** ****'* birth.

3 #52 - On Christmas Night All Christians Sing
[2] When *** ******* ****** **** grace, Then **** *** ****** **** ** *** place. When *** ******* ****** **** grace, Angels *** ****** **** *** *** sing All *** ** *** *** ***-**** King.

4 #52 - On Christmas Night All Christians Sing
[3] From *** ** ******** ** **** light Which **** *** ****** **** **** night. From *** ** ******** ** **** light Which **** *** ****** **** **** night: "Glory ** *** *** ***** ** men Now *** ***********. Amen."

5 A Collection of Lutheran Music
Text: © Stainer & Bell Ltd. Tune: Public Domain PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler

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