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Ratifying the Constitution

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1 Ratifying the Constitution
Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

2 Did You Know??? There was a notion at the original Constitutional Convention to include a Bill of Rights in the original document, but the idea was rejected without much debate by the delegates. Remember, there were a few delegates who did not sign the document at the convention. However, it still has to be ratified.

3 The Constitutional Debate
Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

4 Federalists Supported the proposed Constitution.
George Washington and Ben Franklin. Well organized.

5 Federalists The Federalists Papers were a series of essays written by Madison, Hamilton, and Jay explaining and defending the Constitution.

6 Federalists Feared uprisings and disorder more than a strong central government. Believed a strong central government was necessary for survival.

7 Anti-Federalists Opposed the Constitution.
Thomas Paine “that government is best which governs least.” Patrick Henry.

8 Anti-Federalists Feared the Constitution would take away the peoples liberty. Feared the states would lose power to the central government.

9 Anti-Federalists Wanted local governments to take care of the peoples needs. Generally worked as farmers.

10 Anti-Federalists Wanted a Bill of Rights - without it, the national government would become too strong.

11 Fears The debate came down to their different fears.
Federalists feared disorder without a central govt. (and more uprisings like Shays’ Rebellion would occur). Anti-federalists feared government more than disorder. (concentration of power worried them).

12 Ratification Despite debate, ratification proceeded.
Constitution would include a Bill of Rights amendment. Took 9 states to ratify. Eventually all 13 states would ratify the new Constitution.

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