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INVESTIGATION Cells (continued)

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Presentation on theme: "INVESTIGATION Cells (continued)"— Presentation transcript:

1 INVESTIGATION Cells (continued)
PROBLEM: When looking under the microscope, what parts of cells will be seen? HYPOTHESIS: [Make your own.] EQUIPMENT: one slide, cover slip, iodine (Lugol’s solution), lens paper, scrap of paper towel, forceps, dropper MATERIALS: thin onion skin, one plant leaf, drop of yeast

2 INVESTIGATION Cells DATA: Onion Cells Yeast Cells LOW POWER

3 INVESTIGATION Cells (continued)
DATA (continued): Plant Leaf Cells LOW POWER MEDIUM POWER

4 INVESTIGATION Cells (continued)
DATA ANALYSIS: [Write a paragraph or two analyzing the data you collected above. What were some patterns (repeated occurrences)? What did the data show you? What were some flaws? ] CONCLUSION: [Write a paragraph or two to conclude your investigation. Was your hypothesis correct or not? Discuss how you knew it was correct or not. What could you do differently? Summarize what you learned.]

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