recondite: adjective definition:

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Presentation on theme: "recondite: adjective definition:"— Presentation transcript:

1 recondite: adjective definition:
dealing with very profound, difficult, or abstruse subject matter beyond ordinary knowledge or understanding; esoteric little known; obscure

2 recondite pronunciation: rek uh n dahyt

3 recondite adverb reconditely noun reconditeness

4 recondite abstruse complex esoteric obscure little known profound
synonyms: abstruse complex esoteric obscure little known profound abstract complicated

5 recondite Recondite ideas often compel people to complete research.

6 recondite Even scholars sometimes struggle unsuccessfully to understand recondite paintings.

7 recondite Complex architecture often begins with a recondite design.

8 recondite After studying the recondite problem for years, the scientist finally developed a solution.

9 recondite recondite Fixating on questions can cause philosophers to be

10 reconditely The man reconditely navigated the maze, easily
finding his way to the end.

11 reconditement Reconditement is difficult for some people to face and can make them feel like putting their heads in the sand.

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