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Vocabulary Review Ch 41 - Reptiles.

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1 Vocabulary Review Ch 41 - Reptiles

2 One of a varied group of mostly extinct reptiles that lived from about 235 million years ago to about 66 million years ago Dinosaur

3 Asteroid impact hypothesis
An explanation for the mass extinction of most of the dinosaurs; holds that a giant asteroid struck Earth and caused catastrophic climate change about 66 million years ago Asteroid impact hypothesis

4 A type of egg that is produced by reptiles, birds, and egg-laying mammals and that contains a large amount of yolk; usually surrounded by a leathery or hard shell within which the embryo and its embryonic membranes develop Amniotic egg

5 In mammals, birds, and reptiles, the membrane that contains a developing embryo and its surrounding fluid Amnion

6 The membrane that is attached to a vertebrate embryo and that encloses the yolk and thus stores energy reserves for the developing embryo Yolk sac

7 A membranous sac that acts as an organ of respiration and nutrition for the embryo; in humans, its blood vessels become the blood vessels of the umbilical cord Allantois

8 The outer membrane that surrounds an embryo

9 The white of an egg, composed primarily of the protein albumin

10 A hard protein that forms hair, bird feathers, nails, and horns

11 A thick wall between the right and left chambers of the heart

12 Any of the tiny air cells of the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged

13 An olfactory sac that opens into the mouth and is highly developed in reptiles
Jacobson’s organ

14 The processes by which the body regulates its internal temperature

15 An organism that needs sources of heat outside of itself

16 In egg-laying amniotes, a reproductive method in which the female’s reproductive tract encloses each egg in a tough, protective shell Oviparity

17 In amniotes, a reproductive method wherein shelled eggs are produced, develop, and sometimes hatch inside the body of the mother Ovoviviparity

18 In amniotes, a reproductive method in which eggs that lack shells are produced and develop inside the body of the mother, who then gives birth to the offspring Viviparity

19 The structure that attaches a developing fetus to the uterus and that enables the exchange of nutrients, wastes, and gases between the mother and the fetus Placenta

20 A shield-like plate that covers the cephalothorax of some crustaceans and reptiles

21 The bottom, or ventral, portion of a turtle’s shell

22 The ability of an organism to drop a body part and, usually, to regenerate a new one

23 A snake that kills its prey by crushing and suffocating it

24 A venomous snake that has two small, fixed fangs in the front of the mouth

25 A venomous snake that has two large, mobile fangs at the front of the mouth

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