Improving Stroke Patient and Family Education by using F.A.S.T.

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1 Improving Stroke Patient and Family Education by using F.A.S.T.
Noella Cypress West, DNP, APRN, NP-C, CNL, SCRN Results Discussions Purpose Instruments Pre and Post Stroke Program Survey questions were formulated using the Kirkpatrick Model. GetWell Rounds application was used to gather data. The implementation of an evidence-based education program using F.A.S.T. will improve community awareness of both the signs and symptoms of stroke along with awareness of individual risk factors. The overall perception is to target stroke survivors and their caregivers in order to foster a healthy modifiable lifestyle. Face drooping—Can the person smile normally, or does one side of the face droop? Arm weakness—When the person raises both arms, does one drift downward? Speech difficulty—Can the person speak normally, or is speech slurred? Time to call 911—If you see or experience any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately. Highest level of improvement is comfort level explaining F.A.S.T Noted improvement in all categories as evidence of survey Implications for Practice: Identifying stroke symptoms and acting rapidly can lower death and disability, but public awareness of stroke warning signs, symptoms and risk factors remains poor. Stroke educational programs are needed to improve community knowledge and behaviors to increase early treatment, potentially decreases mortality and disability. The community focused level is important to putting out the message about stroke risk factors; therefore, developing cultural awareness is crucial. The key resources necessary for achievement of this project, requires stakeholders to develop a healthier environment. Provided a magnet developed for this project to be distributed to patients and families at discharge to increase awareness. Limitations: Limitations include language barrier due to mixed socioeconomic background of some patients, caregivers and families at the site. Recommendations: Recommendations for future study include the implementation of a standardized documentation of patient education provided in the electronic health record given at discharge. Results Purpose 4 Results 3 Behavior 2 Learning 1 Reaction Discussion Background According to the CDC (2018), stroke is the 5th leading cause of death and is one of the major causes of disability affecting the American population. Stroke is a preventable and treatable disease but only about 38% of the American population are aware of all major stroke symptoms (CDC, 2018). In a study conducted that evaluated patients knowledge about their stroke risk factors, less than 25% of patients were knowledgeable about stroke signs and symptoms as well as their stroke risk factors. Addressing stroke risk factors and educating the community is the key to decreasing stroke death and disability. Literature reviewed indicates early recognition of warning stroke signs and symptoms improve prompt treatment. Quality educational programs for stroke awareness promote early medical attention which lead to improved recovery and clinical outcomes. The purpose was to determine the efficacy of specific stroke education and the effects on the community for prompt medical treatment of suspected stroke when warning signs and symptoms are identified. Pre-Intervention Survey Contains 9 questions concerning participants Current comfort level and general knowledge on the topic Expectation of Training Self efficacy/confidence in ability to implement EBP change Intent to change practice behavior Post-Intervention Survey Reaction to training Perceptions of knowledge gained Outcomes were measured using a 10-point Likert scale. Methods Results Significant increase in outcome measures post-implementation of F.A.S.T. education. Design A quality improvement pre-test/post-test design project was conducted to evaluate the implementation and impact of an evidence-based patient/family centered education program regarding using F.A.S.T. and identifiable risk factors. Sample 311 vascular neurology patients and their caregivers/families Setting Vascular Neurology Unit, ER and Observation at a busy level I trauma center References References available on or upon request Acknowledgements I would like to thank Dr. Wendi Goodson Celerin and Dr. Marcia Johansson for their support and guidance in this project and throughout my time in the DNP program. I would also like to thank Tampa General Hospital for allowing the conduction of this project at their facility as well as the subjects for their willing participation in the project. Act Plan Do Study

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