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Do Now Quietly Go to Click 8th Grade Classwork

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Quietly Go to Click 8th Grade Classwork"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Quietly Go to Click 8th Grade Classwork
Open the attachment: Lesson 7: Conflict Unit Vocabulary

2 Do Now Task Quietly Read the words on the next slide

3 Word Pronunciation Imperialism Neutrality Guerrilla Warfare Alliance
Isolationism Trench Warfare Stalemate Propaganda 9. Appeasement 10. Dictator 11. Genocide 12. Holocaust 13. Fascism 14. Communism 15. Capitalism 16. Cold War 17. Containment

4 Objective To take notes and to answer questions using images and text, from various American conflicts.

5 Independent Task Write your name and class on your packet.
Do the following for all 17 words: Write the name of the word Write the definition Complete the activity (Question or sentence)

6 Word # 1: Imperialism Definition
The practice of a strong country taking over a weaker country for profit and prestige. Activity: Describe how the picture at right serves as a metaphor for Imperialism?

7 Word # 2: Neutrality Definition
A nation’s policy to not take a side in a war. Activity: According to the map, which European nations practiced neutrality during World War I?

8 Word # 3: Guerrilla Warfare
Definition A surprise attack in which soldiers strike fast and hide fast. Activity: Use the word Guerrilla Warfare in a sentence using the picture at right.

9 Word # 4: Alliance Definition Activity:
A group of nations that form an agreement to support one another if attacked through financial or military means. Activity: Which nations were part of the Triple Entente? Which nations were part of the Triple Alliance?

10 Word # 5: Isolationism Definition Activity:
The policy of a nation in which they decide to stay out of the business and politics of other countries. Activity: Using the picture, Which geographic feature allowed America to practice isolationism during European conflicts?

11 Word # 6: Trench Warfare Definition Activity:
Soldiers fire at one another from opposing ditches or trenches in the ground. Activity: Using the picture, what do you think some of the struggles would be if you were a soldier living in the trenches?

12 Word # 7: Stalemate Definition Activity:
A state of no progress or change. Activity: Use the picture to describe the word stalemate in a sentence.

13 Word # 8: Propaganda Definition Activity:
Signs, slogans, posters and videos that are used to influence people’s thinking or actions. Activity: What is the poster motivating American citizens to do?

14 Word # 9: Appeasement Definition Activity:
Accepting wrong actions in order to avoid going to war. Activity: Using the picture, create a sentence describing the word appeasement.

15 Word # 10: Dictator Definition Activity:
A person who rules with complete power. Activity: Why do you think dictators liked to wear military uniforms in public?

16 Word # 11: Genocide Definition Activity:
A plan to kill a group or a race of people. Activity: Click the link people and read the article. Does genocide still occur in modern times? How many people died in the Darfur Genocide?

17 Word # 12: Holocaust Definition Activity: Click the following link:
The genocide of 6 million Jewish people and 6 million others by the Germans during World War II. Activity: Click the following link: history/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwgLLoBRDyARIsACRAZ e4rC7t0tztESdwqW4vaL2McVW_vDcrsnKj4Gz9 XU-wwEE26R1tWSPUaAnhLEALw_wcB\ Read the first paragraph. Aside from the Jews, who were some of the groups of people that were persecuted during the Holocaust?

18 Word # 13: Fascism Definition Activity: Click the following link:
A type of government in which the nation is more important than the individual. Activity: Click the following link: history/mussolini-founds-the-fascist-party Read the first 3 paragraphs. Who created Fascism? Who “copied” the Fascist model later on?

19 Word # 14: Communism Definition Activity:
A form of government in which the government owns and runs all forms of business, but people get a share of the wealth. Activity: Using the picture, create a sentence describing the word Communism in a sentence.

20 Word # 15: Capitalism Definition Activity:
A political and economic system in which private individuals control and runs businesses. Activity: Using the picture, How are people motivated to work hard in a capitalist economy?

21 Word # 16: Cold War Definition Activity:
The conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1991 in which the two nations feared and distrusted one another. Activity: Using the picture, What are the children doing? What Cold War fear prompted the children to do that?

22 Word # 17: Containment Definition Activity:
America’s plan to prevent Communism from spreading around the world. Activity: Using the picture, What was used to contain Communism in Europe? How do you think those nations used that resource to stop Communism?

23 Turn Your Packet in to the white bin on Mr. Murtagh’s desk.
Begin working on your homework packet. Bonus # 1 is available to help boost your grade!!!! You can find it on Click 8th Grade Classwork

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