Gas Leak Monitoring by Ultrasound

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1 Gas Leak Monitoring by Ultrasound
Authors: Fábio Kuster – Emerson Francisco Aragon - Petrobras

2 Gas Leak Monitoring by Ultrasound
Safety in oil Plant One of the major risks that need to be controlled and mitigated an oil plant is the gas leak. It is the expert knowledge that conventional detection (Eg .: point detectors) has some limitation mainly at out side areas when there is wind presence. Ultrasound (dB) x LEL concentration (%)

3 Gas Leak Monitoring by Ultrasound
Safety in oil Plant Benefits of ultrasound technology over conventional detection. Immunity to the presence of wind, which dilutes the gas and difficult to measure by point detectors Coverage area that can reach more than 1200 square meters (or 20 meters radius); Very fast response - almost instantaneous;

4 Gas Leak Monitoring by Ultrasound
Safety in oil Plant Benefits of ultrasound technology over conventional detection. Detects leakage of any gas (flammable, toxic or asphyxiating) Not dependent dispersion study to define the quantity and location, but an ultrasound mapping . Wireless measuring option reduce or eliminate the stop of profuction

5 Gas Leak Monitoring by Ultrasound
Safety in oil Plant How does it work? This instrument works as electronic ears, but is sensitive only to frequencies between 25 and 100kHz. Once installed can detect dry gas leak at high pressure around him. Imagem

6 Gas Leak Monitoring by Ultrasound
Safety in oil Plant How and when applying ultrasound technology? The user of this equipment are exactly to process gas at high pressure and background noise not too excessive. For this a field survey, called mapping service. Image

7 Gas Leak Monitoring by Ultrasound
Safety in oil Plant How the tests and comparation were made? After the mapping and installation, it was developed a kit test with N2 cylinders whitch was used to mesure the coverage distance with a real leak Image Image Image

8 Gas Leak Monitoring by Ultrasound
Safety in oil Plant Conclusions and results. All of the initial benefits was confirmed,but the main feature is the very fast response even in wind conditions.

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