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Determination of the gluon polarisation

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1 Determination of the gluon polarisation
in CERN Adam Mielech, INFN Trieste on behalf of the COMPASS collaboration

2 Nucleon spin structure
quarks gluons orbital momentum

3 Quarks polarisation Evaluated from the spin structure function g1(x) measured in Deep Inelastic Scattering of polarised lepton on the polarised nucleon : g1(x,Q2) world data (HERMES 2002) e,m (k’) e,m (k,s) QED g1(x,Q2), g2(x ,Q2) g*(Q2, n) P (P,S) Q2=-q2=-(k-k’)2 n=E-E’ x=Q2/2Mn lab Proton momentum fraction carried by quark G1 plots…. Assuming Quark Parton Model:

4 “The spin crisis” experiment theory
Measured at CERN, SLAC, DESY Result from SMC fit to proton world data At Q2 =5GeV 2 Phys Lett B (1994) experiment theory Ellis –Jaffe sum rule prediction According to triangle anomaly, there is no unambiguous way to separate the quark contribution and the anomalous gluonic contribution

5 Accesing gluon polarisation
From QCD evolution of g1(x) stucture function: or from direct measurements Photon Gluon Fusion(SMC, HERMES,COMPASS) jets from polarised pp2jets scattering (RHIC) Fit to the g1(x,Q2) world data, by Blümlein & Böttcher, Nucl. Phys. B636 (02) 225 p

6 DG/G from open charm 50% 40% -76% C

7 DG/G from high pT hadrons
QCD-Compton Leading Order q g* q g* Photon Gluon Fusion

8 Photon Gluon Fusion ps+ h1 D+* C K- D0 p+ h2
q=c, Open Charm Production Looking for charged K and p coming from D0 and D±* decays C D0 K- p+ D+* ps+ h1 h2 62% 4% q =u,d,s,c at high pT Looking for high pT hadron pairs

9 Localisation LHC SPS N ~200 physicists from 12 countries
Luminosity: ~ cm-2 s-1 intensity: µ+/spill (4.8s / 16.2s) polarization: % momentum: GeV/c ~200 physicists from 12 countries polarised muon beam polarised target particle tracking and momentum measurement particle identification calorimetry measurement Localisation LHC SPS N

10 Experimental setup Target μ ID HCALS m+ beam + 200 tracking planes
Spectrometers magnets μ ID HCALS m+ beam + 200 tracking planes RICH

11 Two 60 cm long target cells with opposite polarisation
Polarised 6LiD target Two 60 cm long target cells with opposite polarisation Superconducting Solenoid (2.5 T) 3He – 4He dilution refrigerator (T~50mK) Dipol (0.5 T) Polarisation: % Dilution: 40% Reconstructed interaction vertices μ

12 Particle identification
5 m 6 m 3 m photon detectors: CsI MWPC mirror wall vessel radiator: C4F10 q(mrad) p(GeV/c) p K p, m RICH hadrons m m – hadron separation is also possible using hadron calorimeters

13 Tracking detectors

14 Open charm – selection in COMPASS
D0 C K- p+ D+* ps+ ~300 COMPASS 2002 data

15 High pT hadrons- selection
Current fragmentation xF > 0.1 z > 0.1 2 high pT hadrons pT > 0.7 GeV/c pT12+ pT22 > 2.5 (GeV/c)2 m(h1h2) > 1.5 GeV/c2

16 DG/G from high pT hadrons
QCD-Compton Leading Order Photon Gluon Fusion fractions of cross section determined by Monte Carlo

17 Additional background for Q2<1(GeV2)
Resolved Photon VMD - Pomeron

18 DG/G at COMPASS –present status
Open charm Theoretically clean DG/G extraction, experiment challenging because of difficulty of the charm reconstruction in the large target. We are able to reconstruct charmed mesons. We are still collecting the data. Projected error on DG/G from data: 0.24 High pT hadron pairs Experimental signature easy, background subprocesses extraction based on Monte Carlo Measured asymmetry from 2002 data: + 2003, 2004 → stat. < 0.018 Up to now systematic error contains only studies on false asymmetries due to target or spectrometer effects

19 SUMMARY Quarks spin distribution is known.
Gluon spin contribution is going to be measured soon in different processes. Orbital momentum components of the spin → next generation experiments. Nucleon spin puzzle is still very exciting subject.

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