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Tone and Mood Literary term.

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Presentation on theme: "Tone and Mood Literary term."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tone and Mood Literary term

2 Mood The emotional effect that the text creates for the audience
Mood is developed through setting and theme

3 Positive mood words Calm Peaceful Friendly Enthusiastic Cheerful

4 Negative mood words Cold Morose Gloomy Dangerous Scary Fearful

5 Example “The river, reflecting the clear blue of the sky, glistened and sparkled as it flowed noiselessly on.”

6 Example “Gimmerton chapel bells were still ringing; and the full, mellow flow of the beck in the valley came soothingly on the ear. It was a sweet substitute for the yet absent murmur of the summer foliage, which drowned that music about the Grange when the trees were in leaf.”

7 Example “There was no moon, and everything beneath lay in misty darkness: not a light gleamed from any house, far or near all had been extinguished long ago: and those at Wuthering Heights were never visible…”

8 Purpose To evoke vibes and feelings in readers

9 How is the mood made effective?
Questions for mood What is the mood? How is the mood made effective?

10 Tone Not the same as Mood
Describes the attitude of the speaker, narrator or author etc. Not the same as Mood

11 Tone words Funny Sarcastic Sad Pity Bewildered Angry

12 Example “I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.”

13 Example Father: “We are going on a vacation.” Son: “That’s great!!!”

14 Example “You will get good grades like in the previous exams”

15 Example “Can someone tell me what the hell is going on here?”

16 What is the tone? (story, chapter, speech….)
Tone questions What is the tone? (story, chapter, speech….) How is the tone made effective?

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