Registration of Administrative Offices and Subscribers

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1 Registration of Administrative Offices and Subscribers
Session I Registration of Administrative Offices and Subscribers

2 Presentation Snapshot
NSDL Features of NPS NPS Architecture Functions of CRA Registration of nodal offices Registration of Subscribers 2

3 Features of NPS NSDL As per the present guidelines of PFRDA, contribution towards pension will be invested in the default Schemes termed Scheme of various Pension Fund Managers in the proportion of 85% in fixed income instruments and 15% in equity and equity related instruments. Mandatory for entrants to Government (Central) service (excluding armed forces) who have joined services on or after January 1, 2004. Departure from ‘Defined Benefit’ to ‘Defined Contribution System’ Registration-Unique & Portable Permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN) Multiple Funds and Scheme options Default Scheme to begin with Select Withdrawals As per the present guidelines of Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority(PFRDA),contribution towards pension will be invested in the default Schemes termed Scheme of various Pension Fund Managers in the proportion of 85% in fixed income instruments and 15% in equity and equity related instruments. Hence, in the application form for PRAN,the details of the schemes need not be mentioned. 3

4 NPS Architecture PFRDA NSDL NPS Trust Fund Flow Trustee Bank (BOI)
PFRDA NSDL Oversight Mechanism NPS Trust Trustee Bank (BOI) Fund Flow Custodian (SHCIL) N P S C A PFM (SBI) PFM (UTI) PFM (LIC) PAO CRA (NSDL) NAV The NPS Architecture shown above is for government employees and Autonomous Bodies only. NPSCAN is just a web based interface between the nodal offices and CRA. Explain to the Nodal offices that they don’t need to worry to much about the terminology used. ASPs are not appointed at present. They will come in the picture later on. DDO Over Internet Annuity Service Providers Subscriber Information Flow 4 Funds Flow

5 Functions of CRA Registration of nodal offices in the CRA system
NSDL Registration of nodal offices in the CRA system Issuance of unique PRAN to Subscribers Receipt and Transmission of fund instructions to Trustee Bank and PFM Issuance of annual Transaction Statement Providing MIS on a regular basis to PFRDA and various other entities such as state governments Grievance Resolution The first and the foremost part is that of registration of NPS entities in the CRA system .i.e. Trustee Bank, PFM, Nodal Offices. Once the registration of the NPS entities is successfully completed in the system, the CRA will register the Subscriber in the system. CRA will also issue a unique PRAN card to these Subscribers. These Subscribers are the employees who have joined the Central Government on or after On successfully registering the Subscribers, the CRA system will start processing the Contribution Amount as per the Scheme Preference selected by the Subscribers. One of the scope of services of the CRA is to provide annual statement to these Subscribers. CRA will also provide various other services to the NPS entities .i.e. Mechanism for lodging & resolving grievances, Status check through CRA call centre etc. For each function, there is a module in CRA system Nodal offices and subscribers will have to play a part in the registration of nodal office and the subscriber. Nodal office will also update the subscriber details in the CRA system. Settlement: There will be then the settlement on the basis of contribution file uploaded by nodal office and the fund receipt confirmation by the Bank. A module which is complicated and explained in the next slides CGMS: CGMS is also designed in the CRA system for logging and resolution of the grievances. IVR, Call centre: There will be IVR and call centre services provided to the subscriber and all the entities in CRA system. All the details of this will be discussed in the following slides. 5

6 Registration Hierarchy
NSDL PrAO Registration PAO Registration Nodal offices centrally registered at CRA DDO Registration In the CRA system, the subscriber will be mapped to the Drawing and Disbursing Office (DDO), the DDO will be mapped to the PAO and the PAO will be mapped to the PrAO. Hence CRA will first register the PrAO followed by PAO, then DDO and then the subscriber registrations. Nodal offices – PrAO, PAO, DDO will be registered by CRA directly and the subscriber will be registered through CRA-FC. List of CRA-FC will be made available at CRA website. The Subscriber registration can commence only after the nodal offices have been registered in the CRA system. The CABs having more than one ‘Nodal Office’ generally opt for a De-centralised model. In case of CABs opting for De-centralised model, multiple PAOs are registered in CRA System. Whereas the CABs having the payment control centrally, opt for centralised model. In these cases, only one office is registered as a PrAO, PAO and a DDO. Subscriber Registration Subscribers will be mapped to DDOs, DDOs will be mapped to PAO and PAO will be mapped to PrAO 6 6

7 Role of Oversight Mechanism
NSDL Monitor the activities related to NPS which are carried out as per the defined procedure can check the subscriber registration status can view pending contribution file details can view missing credits in subscribers’ accounts Grievance pending against Nodal offices. PrAO is the oversight mechanism. PRAN Registration Status: PAO Wise for upto last 3 months date range, the PrAO can view datewise PRANs generated during that date range, PRANs generated till that date, PRAN requests pending till that date. Pending Contribution Files: No. of days-No. of pending files 7

8 Role of PAO NSDL Submit DDO registration forms/data to CRA for registration. Upload Subscriber Contribution File (SCF) to NPSCAN system Deposit the contribution amount in the Trustee Bank as per the SCF uploaded in NPSCAN Update and process requests for changes in subscribers’ details Can raise a grievance on behalf of DDO and the Subscriber Resolve the grievance raised against it by any entities in the CRA system In case of de-centralised model for CABs, the DDOs can be registered based on soft copy of the data provided by the PAOs. 8

9 Role of DDO Registration of Subscribers
NSDL Registration of Subscribers Distribution of PRAN kit, I-PIN, T-PIN to Subscribers Providing information to PAO about Subscriber’s contribution Forwarding Subscriber’s request to PAO for change in details, switch, new scheme setup, etc. Forwarding subscriber’s Withdrawal requests to PAO Forwarding Subscriber’s Grievance requests to PAO Disbursing payment for withdrawal to subscribers Registration- Registration of DDO. DDO will also forward the Registration form of Subscriber to PAO after authorizing the necessary details. DDO will fill up the employment details in subscriber registration form before sending it to PAO. The DDO as a good practice can give the form to the Subscriber at the time of joining and ask him to fill in the form. Once the PRAN is generated, the same can be made a part of his service book. DDO will also disburse the PRAN kit, I-Pin, T-pin to the subscriber which they will received from CRA through PAOs DDO will consolidate the subscriber contribution records which come under their purview and forward the same to PAO for uploading of the same. DDO will also forward the subscriber request for change in details, switch, new scheme setup to the PAO for processing in the NPSCAN system. DDO will also forward the subscriber withdrawal, grievance request to PAO. At the time of subscriber retirement, DDO will disburse the payment to the concerned person after receiving the payment from PAO. 9

10 Subscriber Registration -physical applications
NSDL Subscriber to submit Form S1 to DDO in duplicate Photograph & Signature/Thumb impression of Subscriber DDO shall mention employment details of the Subscriber and forward to the PAO PAO shall verify the details in the form and forward to CRA facilitation center Upon registration of subscribers, CRA will forward PRAN kit to PAO for onward submission to DDO. DDO will forward the same to subscribers. PRAN Kit : PRAN Card Subscriber Master Report Subscriber Brochure I-PIN/T-PIN The DDO will forward the PRAN kit to the subscribers.

11 Understanding Subscriber Registration Form
NSDL Form S1 – Application for allotment of PRAN Details of the form Section A – Personal Details (Mandatory- excluding bank details) Section B – Employment Details (Mandatory) Section C– Nomination Details (Optional) Section D– Scheme Details Section E – Declaration for I-Pin, T-Pin Each Section has mandatory and optional fields The sections or mandatory/optional as given. Within each section there will be mandatory and optional fields. Personal details include core details such as name, date of birth, demographic details etc. Employment details are provided by DDO and contains – Date of joining, retirement date, pay scale etc. For existing subscribers that have joined before March 31, 2009, PPAN would be mandatory. In CABs’ case, the 16 digit PPAN number can be generated as : PAO registration number followed by the employee code issued by the PAO ofice. e.g. if the employee code for an employee is 023, and a PAO reg. No. is then the 16 digit PPAN can be constructed as Alpha numeric employee codes can also be entered, so if an employee’s code is A025, PPAN can be A025 Nomination: Subscriber can nominate maximum three persons by specifying percentage share. If sum of the percentage is not equal to 100% than nominee request will get rejected. Minor Nominee-Guardian required. 4. Scheme preference: At present there is only one scheme with a combination of each PFM - SBI-40%, UTI- 31% and LIC -29%. 85% will be invested in Fixed Income securities and 15% in equity related instruments.. 5. Subscriber has to sign a declaration for accessing CRA website and IVR. 11

12 Subscriber Registration – Complete Process Flow
NSDL Subscriber 1. Submission of Form 9. PRAN kit 2. Verification of details, provide employment details, Consolidation and Submission PAO DDOs DDO 8. DDO packets Once PRN is generated, CRA shall dispatch PRAN Cards within 20 days 4. Generate PRN and/or Rejection Letter 3. Submission of forms 7. Generation & dispatch of PRAN card, I – Pin & T - Pin CRA The CRA will not obtain any supporting documents to verify the registration details. Since the subscribers are connected to CRA through DDOs & PAOs, all the supporting documents are verified & kept at these places (DDOs & PAOs). In case of rejection, CRA-FC will issue a rejection memo. acknowledgement number will not be generated for all these applications which are rejected upfront. DDO/PAO will have to submit a subscriber application form with the necessary corrections. PRN – Provisional Receipt Number (15 digit no + 2 digit Acknowledgement no) PRN is an identification to know from which centre the form has been received. FC will hand over the provisional receipt to the PAO for reference. FC will upload the subscriber registration file the CRA. CRA will generate the PRAN and send to the PAOs and upload the information in CRA system. CRA shall consolidate DDO wise PRAN kits and prepare a DDO wise packet. These DDO packets will further be consolidated into a PAO wise final packet. Hence, PAO will receive a packet containing DDO wise PRAN Kits along with a covering letter mentioning the details of the DDO wise PRAN kits. On receipt of the PRAN kits, PAO shall open the envelope and verify the number of DDO packets received with the contents of the covering letter. If same is found to be in order, it shall forward the packets to the respective DDO. 5. Scanning & digitization of Forms CRA-FC 6. Verification through FVU and Upload 12

13 Subscriber Registration - Control Points
NSDL All employment details (Section – B) to be filled completely by DDO Submission of physical application forms to CRA-FC, DDO wise in a single lot of not more than 50 forms

14 Central Recordkeeping Agency, NSDL Trade World, ‘A Wing’, 4th Floor
Contact at: Central Recordkeeping Agency, NSDL Trade World, ‘A Wing’, 4th Floor Kamala Mills Compound, S. B. Marg Lower Parel, Mumbai Tel. No Fax No id : Website: 14

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