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York College Careers Guidance A guide to help aid an understanding of careers guidance and how York College can help a young person’s career development.

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Presentation on theme: "York College Careers Guidance A guide to help aid an understanding of careers guidance and how York College can help a young person’s career development."— Presentation transcript:

1 York College Careers Guidance A guide to help aid an understanding of careers guidance and how York College can help a young person’s career development Kirsty Mews

2 Tonight aims to: Provide an overview of the careers support available at York College Give information on the aims of careers guidance services Gatsby Careers guidance at York College-step-by-step… How can we help ? Personalise Progression Your young person How can you help? Answer any questions you may have

3 What is the aim of careers guidance?
‘…the road is rarely straight any more, and if so, not for long.’ (Hambly, 2015) To assist people at any age and at any point throughout their lives. To help them make informed make educational, training and occupational decisions and to manage their careers To help with the uncertainty of a person’s next steps Provide the upmost and up-to-date expert knowledge and information on the expanding occupational and educational developments, and to present learners with a wide range of opportunities available and applicable to them (LMI) Help to provide people with an increased self-awareness and insights into self in relation to jobs, to enable people to make independent decisions about which options are the most appropriate for them

4 Gatsby Since 2017, ‘The Government Careers Strategy,’ has been designed to provide the most outstanding careers guidance within the careers industry, with the adoption of ‘The Gatsby Benchmarks.’ These benchmarks outline what is determined by ‘world-class’ careers advise and now all services offering careers are expected to obtain to these standards so that each individual receives the best service possible. York college works towards the National Careers Strategy and Statutory requirements Working to meet all 8 Gatsby benchmarks to illustrate a quality service in all areas for all students

5 Careers guidance at York College-Step by step…
Appointment-based system on Pro-monitor Support provided by qualified careers advisers Confidential, impartial advice to meet the individual’s needs Our service is free, confidential and supports your individual journey Students come along InfoZone/HelpZone or Careers Action Plan written up as required Repeat appointments available if needed Support available from curriculum staff too to encourage employability and book appointments Students can self refer or may be referred by a progress tutor York College Careers Service is here to enable all students to plan for their future, make informed decisions and learn what’s out there in the world of education employment and training

6 How can we help? Your young person will be supported by qualified, expert staff every step of the way Events throughout the year covering employment in general, careers in different industries and apprenticeships Support offered by a qualified career adviser, that challenges individuals to self-assess, consider their values and ambitions and make realistic and informed decisions about their futures We offer a service that responds to individual need and enables progression for all students Help with plans for the future- decision, selection, progression Help with CV’s , job applications, course decisions, personal statements for university etc… Regardless of their individual choices, all students will receive personalised support to ensure they happily progress to the next stage of their career Run events throughout the year that are designed to enable every student to access timely and relevant support If they change their mind, have a wobble about their choices, or suddenly decide a whole different plan- don’t panic, it is completely OK for them to experience this and we can help! Information about our service and helpful links are available on our internet and intranet pages

7 Simple and straightforward

8 Progression

9 How you can help? Talk to your young person about what really interests them, their aspirations and what their career aims are Remind them that their career is a journey and is interchangeable throughout their life- and that it is OK! Encourage them to look at which skills they already and have and promote positivity about enhancing their employability skills Help them search for part-time or voluntary work to expand on their current skills- all skills are transferable and relevant. It will make them more attractive to employees Plan their career journey with them – where are they now? Where do they want to be? How can they reach their desired destination? Be supportive and realistic – take their thoughts into consideration and implement a back-up plan too Ensure that your young person is aware of the support available at college and speaks to a member of staff about support options available Check out the careers page on the college intranet for links and additional information Book an appointment with a careers advisor to encourage the starting point for their career journey…

10 Your Young Person All students at all ages and levels have access to expert advise in the classroom and from student support We aim to ensure that every student makes their next step in their career journey confidently, fully informed and aspiring to reach their full potential Depending on their course and level all next steps are personal to the journey Our careers team will help tailor your young persons aims to the realistic marketplace

11 A starting point…

12 Facebook – York College Careers Guidance
Thank you Any questions? Our service is empowering, meaningful and inspiring. We encourage our students to reach their full potential and have happy successful futures. Facebook – York College Careers Guidance

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