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Progress Seminar 2018.10.23 권순빈.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress Seminar 2018.10.23 권순빈."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress Seminar 권순빈

2 연구 진행 상황 보고서 2주전 계획 연구 결과 문제점 및 대책 목표 및 계획 CPF 정형외과 낙상 혈당센서 논문 제출 IRB
논문 초안 요청사항 완료 문제점 및 대책 목표 및 계획

3 Mechanism of Electrical Stimulation for pain relief
Pain Mechanism : A New Theory Gate Control Theory Melzack and Wall in 1965 McGill & MIT; Science A gate control system modulates sensory input from the skin before it evokes pain perception and response

4 Mechanism of Electrical Stimulation for pain relief
There are three types of nerve fibers  A, B, C Four subgroups of A fibers  A-alpha, A-beta, A-gamma and A-delta A-delta and C  smaller & carries pain Other A fibers  larger & carries pressure, temperature, touch, etc. Pain pathway A-delta & C fibers are activated Go through spinal cord and to the brain  But this is not true!

5 Mechanism of Electrical Stimulation for pain relief
There is a gate control system at the spinal cord Substantia gelatinosa (SG) determines which signal to reach the T cells L (Large fibers) and S (Small fibers) If ‘S’ < ‘L’ SG prevents the transmission of the pain to T cells Other sensory signal override the pain signal Pain signal is not reached to the brain  If ‘S’ > ‘L’ Pain signal transmitted to T cell and to the brain Descending signal from CNS also affects the decision of the gate

6 Mechanism of Electrical Stimulation for pain relief
Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Segmental (Stimulating the ‘L’ fibers ) Only large-diameter primary afferent fibers from deep tissue are activated at sensory intensities up to & including motor threshold Descending (Activates the adrenergic & opioids receptors) Mechanism not found yet Block specific receptor or pathway & sees the effect

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